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Black Yoshi
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  • That's unfortunate! D:>
    At least it still looks pretty cool <<

    Oh, Chinese food. That's good. Personally I prefer Japanese over Chinese, but I crave them both. *om nom nom*
    But they were miiiiiiine. ;u;

    Oh, hey. How are your drawings coming along? Is Munchkin's dragon one turning out nicely? :3c
    brb, mailing Tobuscus first page of Mangabuscus

    I had a lot of fun with voice actors saying funny things type videos last time I was using my Kindle Fire...

    And then I started to get into Vegeta prank calls, somehow. Here.
    I'm totally going to try the adress anyway xD

    Oh yes thank you. I actually animated the avatar. It's from this YouTube video. (Forgive me if that isn't.....right at all, can't watch videos on the computer I'm currently on, so I couldn't check.)
    I played Ocarina of Time

    I miss it

    I'm actually considering doing so. There are a couple places where his PO box adress have been posted, but I'm not quite sure if it's real..

    Minecraft was the first one I watched, and my favorite! This is gonna sound weird, but... I'm drawing a Tobuscus manga. I'm actually pretty good at drawing Manga, just not on the computer.
    Argh. I've forsaken ye for two days. ._.;

    I apologize for my lack of presence.

    And progress on that fanfic.
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