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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • ...Uh sure... well, as I was saying... we COULD go in that... but... it was inexplicably run over by an airship that randomly dropped from the sky and crushed it who my lawyers are currently sueing the company of for everything they own... so... we'll have to take my Curly-Tailed Bird there instead.
    Sportscar... it's like... a... land vehicle. We drive about in Arylettopia in these thingies... well, at least, I do. The... common folk have cheaper cars.
    ...The Puddle Crisis is no joke! It caused economic strife and trouble amongst many Arylettopians and some lives were even LOST! Hmph!

    Well, we could take my red sportscar to the Shatshack.
    Oh no! I'll be coming along as well! Somebody's gotta make sure you don't use this as an opportunity to escape the feds...
    Ha ha! You can't prove that first one! No, no, the only way is obviously with an elaborate and completely unnecessary quest to a beast-infested and highly dangerous place!
    Well, you COULD get arrested and spend the rest of your life an Arylettopian Fugitive being hunted down by wild dogs!
    You must find the Medallion of Epic Awesomeness and bring it to me. Those who can quest across the vicious Shatshack, a forest full of Dark Beasts, and keep their light shining even in the darkness, are full of purity and goodness, and could never murder another soul.
    ...That's what you WANT me to believe! Blast Toys... serial killer.

    But then... you smelled like that when you brought your golem which is actually a dead body... it all makes sense now.
    How do I know that? Maybe that stench isn't sewer... but the scent of dead rotting bodies that you store and make into golems.

    ...Oh, I thought it was for... other purposes... ;;Suspicious look, mumble;;

    Uh... I'm just gonna keep backing away now until I leave the room.
    Hmm... well, I meant more... why was this thing built in the first place? Just for it to serve you? ;;Backs away further;;
    Hmm... for what purpose was it built? Surely it wasn't just built for you to mess around with me...

    I'd say you're making me a little sick right now... I need some air. ;;Backs away;;
    Apparently I'm still not very mentally strong though and all that matters is my looks... according to you! I'd rage some and flare you up, but seriously, you should SHOWER you're going to stink up the whole castle. I think I hear some guards vomiting. I'm surprised I'm not vomiting.

    And more convolutedness! Ahaha, where did you get this golem thingy?
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