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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • OH NO YOU DON'T! Cool off... you want me to cool off?! Me... Arylett... the Pure Ardourbred Queen of Flames and Flares?! ;;Makes a hand gesture and burns the door to melt, then runs after;;
    Is that all I have of merit? Some fancy title? Why, I ought to USE my title then... perhaps I should ban you from the Queendom.
    Aperture Science
    We do what we must
    Because we can
    For the good of all of us
    Except the ones who are dead

    But there's no sense crying
    over every mistake
    You just keep on trying
    'til you run out of cake
    And the science gets done
    And you make a neat gun
    For the people who are still alive

    [Personnel File Addendum:
    Dear << Subject Name Here >>,]
    I'm not even angry
    I'm being so sincere right now
    Even though you broke my heart
    And killed me.

    And tore me to pieces
    And threw every piece into a fire.
    As they burned it hurt because
    I was so happy for you!

    Now these points of data make a beautiful line
    And we're out of beta
    We're releasing on time.
    And so I'm GLaD I got burned
    Think of all the things we learned
    For the people who are
    Still alive.

    [Personnel File Addendum Addendum:
    One Last Thing:]
    Go ahead and leave me
    I think I prefer to stay inside
    Maybe you'll find someone else
    To help you.
    Maybe Black Mesa...
    Anyway this cake is great
    It's so delicious and moist

    Look at me still talking
    When there's science to do
    When I look out there
    It makes me GLaD I'm not you
    I've experiments to run
    There is research to be done
    On the people who are
    Still alive!

    [PS:] And believe me I am still alive
    [PPS:] I'm doing science and I'm still alive
    [PPPS:] I feel FANTASTIC and I'm still alive
    While you're dying I'll be still alive

    And when you're dead I will be still alive.
    Still alive!"
    ...Hey, wait a sec! So what exactly are you implying, sir?! My looks are all I have?! I don't even have that good looks, I have monstrous living hair!
    Well... most of the time, it fails and I just sort of end up giving myself a headache. I'm... not so good with those arts, I guess.
    Yes! I can... trick people's minds... into doing whatever I want them to. I think... although... hmm... sometimes it's unreliable.
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