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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • Is this going to be one of those things that takes up all of my free time? :D

    like yesterday?
    Oh! Well, then, yay he hit the bird? o.o

    Superpower of organization? That's awesome :D

    Not as cute. But the guy looks like he did something wrong and he's about to be in trouble. Or like.. he looks like a young Detective Gumshoe...
    :DD Awww, I like it~

    My roommate always calls people babydoll, and I think it's cute >->
    I like deary me for some reason. C:

    Shucks seems too common. But I've also developed this weird habit of calling people "dear" or "hun". It's odd o.o

    Fine, I'll just stick with "you dig my jist, sweetpants?" or "later days" or my other weird phrases. But yours is just so awesome o:
    xDD Gee willikers... I like it.

    I may have to use that phrase from now on. :D
    Rent? The movie/musical on Broadway? Great musical. c:

    But yeah, one of the characters (one of my favorites) is named Mark, so :x
    Yes, I do. xD

    But that's alright, I don't care who knows my real name. My whole life I've never been known by Alexandra. :]

    Big Book of... Are you planning on selling that information to the black market or Mafia or something? D:
    Ale-Alejandro, Ale-Alejandro~ Sorry, Lady Gaga moment there. :x

    Well that's a good thing! We'd get along just fine since I'm Alexandra! o:
    ! He looks just like he does now, except a bit more little kid-ish. :D

    Does that mean you're Penny? :D?
    ~ I will do just that. xD

    But I cannot get that line out of my head. And it seems to meeee~ Evil inside of me is on the riiiiiise~
    ...! Must see this like... right now.

    Well yeah, but I'm sure he must've felt a lot of guilt about it because it was his freeze ray.
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