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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • DON'T LOOK AT ME! Aaah, I'm not cute... I'm a MONSTER! I'm just... slightly less ugly than in human form... but still very ugly... ;;Runs off on all fours crying;;
    Aaah, well, I can tell. ;;Smiles a bit;; You've great potential... why, if I was any good at magic, I would train you. ;;Looks in mirror;;

    ... ;;Squeals, digs face in claws;; I'm... hi... hideous...
    Thank you. Aah, your magic is impressive. I myself could not do a thing like this... ;;Tries to take in claws, but wobbles, seems unable to hold, gives it back;; You hold it whilst I look in it...
    Cute? Can you... bring a mirror? AND DON'T TELL THE GUARDS OR MY HAIR WILL EAT YOUR LIMBS! I think it can still at least do that in this form...
    But... but... but! Don't you understand...? Nobody can see me like this! No no, don't call the guards... maybe it'll wear off.
    ...Flames? What... what flames? AM I ON FIRE?! ;;Sees flames;;

    OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! PUT IT OUT! I'M DYING! AAAAH I'M ON FIRE! ;;Runs frantically all over the place;;
    Huh...? I am? Wait... you do seem bigger all of a sudden... ;;Sees claws;;


    ;;Screams as antennae and tail seem to light on fire;;

    The man said the enchantment would only be triggered when I needed protection! I don't need protection right now... so it's not triggered! Stop confusing me... and just tell me why you're reacting so insanely! ;;Now has a red patch of fur on stomach and a jewel melded to chest;;
    Stop, stop, please! What are you talking about, changing? Please, just tell me what this is all about! It doesn't seem like a very funny joke anymore! ;;Clothes seems to fall off from how much she has shrunk, except for the shoes, which have melded with feet to make two long rabbit-like red paws;;
    Hey, what are you doing? Come back! I thought you were going to go to the feast with me... ;;Chases after, seems to have shrunk much in height;;
    Hmm? What are you talking about? ;;Looks at arm;; I don't see anything wrong. Why are you calling the guards?! Are you trying to trick me? Oh silly, silly! ;;Laughs with dog snout-like mouth;;
    Oh Blastoise, you're trying to confuse me, aren't you? Ahaha, funny joke, funny joke! Even though I don't really get it. ;;Waves hand, which doesn't seem to be a hand anymore so much as three red claws;;
    Hmm? What are you talking about, Blastoise? ;;Turns around, still not seeing it, appears to have two strange antennae-like appendages tipped with red coming out of her head;; I have no stories to tell!
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