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  • Hey, blazie!

    Yea, well, I've got good and bad news-
    Good news: I've done half of Round 4 of your battle, and you're kicking Eonrider's butt so far.
    Bad news: I wrote the whole round, but then accidentaly deleted it, meaning I have only half of the stuff right now.
    I guess that's true (except for narcissistic people). In truth, we're all hideous in a sense. =P

    Phew, I'm finally finish with my midterms. *Sighs* Alas, they weren't very good on my part: I wasn't able to finish my English essay and my physics test! *Sobs* But at least I got those over with.... And next comes finals.... *Sighs*

    Well, no point in moping; it's not gonna do anything. =P I'm on March break this week, which is great 'cause I definitely need it!


    I'm pretty sure by the time you read this it's still your birthday. ^^ Also, look, I drew you something: CLICK HERE! ~<3 <3 <3

    So how did your special day go? :3
    Well, I seem to come off as rude if you ask me. =/


    The words in the list are all words people used to refer to me. ^^; (Yes, somebody called me cuddly. Well, I happen to find myself ugly. =P).


    As my English teacher would say: "There is no definite answer." This is a good opportunity to analyze your character- to analyze who you are. A very handy skill, plus I find it helps develop one's mind. ^^

    Oh yeah, your birthday is this month! x3 Happy early birthday, Blazie!!! :la::la::la: And personally, I prefer white chocolate over regular chocolate; it's just so vanilla-y. x333 By the way, when is your birthday? :3

    ...Midterms.... suck.... X.X I'm spiritually dying over here.... ;~;
    *Larry the chimchar pokes Blazie and then goes to stalk her conversation with Skroy* Well, uh, first of all: VERY late *Poke* after we didn't chat for quite some time.
    Second: Im sorry that it's taking me so long to reff your battle against Eonrider, but I had a shitload of tests, which will be over tomorrow. At least I scored a 98(out of 100) in maths! Yay*goes to party*

    Anyway, now that I have only your battle to reff, im going to fire ma laz- I mean, reff it very quickly.

    *Pokes you on the nose and then scuttles towards Charmanpid's nose*
    ...Um, sorry if I seem rather rude with my previous message.... (That's how I see myself behaving as I reread it now).
    Oh, don't deny it; you are pretty. ^^ (Heh, I find it funny how people tend to think they look ugly yet other call them pretty/cute/cuddly/adorable/beautiful. =P).

    Oh, okay. Well, I could tell you the non-naughty bits I did while I was hypnotized, like pretending I was playing in an orchestra; freezing my butt off; holding a wedding ceremony; getting drunk.... and that's pretty much it for the non-naughty bits. x3

    ...Yeah, I got nothing else to say. =/

    ...Actually, I do have something to ask since the previous subject transitions smoothly to what I'm about to ask next. While I respect your decisions, I would like to understand one thing: I don't mean to be rude when I ask this, but why do you feel uncomfortable when the subject matter contains sexual content? Why do you feel this way? Do you find the material related to sex to be repulsive? If so, why do you believe it to be?
    (Expect to respond to this kind of question in college. The purpose of this kind of question is to develop a critical mind. [Yay, I applied what I learned from my SAY WHAT?! class. ^^ Thank you, Ms. Ingerman!]. However, I do not intend to turn this into a class lecture; I'm just curious to know what's up with behavior on the matter).
    ........You look... absolutely pretty. ^////////^ (Although for privacy reasons, wouldn't it have been better if you sent the link via a PM instead of allowing the general public to access your photos?)
    Don't fret, I won't stalk you. I understand. ^^

    Oh, wow, your very own stalker. ^^; I got a stalker as well, and she stalks me with.... stalks. xD *Ahem* Anyway.... If you want to speak to me privately on DA, all you have to do is send me a Note. You can do this by going to my page and clicking the Note button. =)

    By the way, nice excuse. xDDD But what if we actually did go to the same school? How's that food for thought, eh? ;)

    Aww, I hope your friend's wrist heals quickly. =/ I give him my blessings.

    On Thursday, I went to go see a hypnotist show being held at my college (and since it was Safe Sex week, the show was rated XXX). =D Not only that, I also volunteered to be hypnotized. The show itself was absolutely Hilarious with a capital H. xDDDDDDDDDDDD I definitely had a fun time on stage, and people said that I was the star of the show.

    Wanna know what happened during the show? Since it's rated XXX, it obviously contains lots of naughty bits. I noticed that whenever the subject matter has sexual content, I can sense a bit of discomfort on your side of the screen (or I might just be jumping to conclusions). I don't want you to feel uncomfortable at all (underlined for emphasis) when I start to go into detail of the events.
    Ahh, yes, the flying moose. xD Fun time, fun time. ^^
    Well, I may have missed catching you on TV but it's okay; I have a feeling I'll get at least one glimpse of you eventually (hmm.... maybe I could persuade you to send me a photo of yourself? xDDD Just kidding, you don't have to show me if you don't want to, I respect your privacy). Still, I'm amazed that you were actually on national television (or is it international? Meh. =P).

    *Refers to previous post before Closing Ceremonies*
    Ooh, I hate when I misread a question! I do it on every test that I get- no exceptions- and sometimes I never notice, or I do notice what I didn't see and then I rush through rewriting the entire thing down. It doesn't help that you have many questions to answer in such a short time period though. =/

    In what way is your Asian friend odd? =P

    Hopefully the following message does not make you feel uncomfortable or disturb you in any way, but here goes nothing.... *ahem*

    Today, I went to play bingo at my college- but not just any bingo game. You see, the VCSA (basically a group of student body presidents let's say) are presenting Safe Sex week this week and today's main event was Erotic Bingo (get a bingo, win a free sex item). I ended up winning some flavored lube in the end (and getting a lap dance in the process), but me winning a round wasn't the highlight of the event. You see, the highlight of the bingo game was that it was being hosted by a professional drag queen and his assistant, also a drag queen. They were both just AWESOME (not to mention hilarious as well. xD). They showed us their moves, gave a few people lap dances (myself included ^^;) and they also attracted a lot of guys ("attract" as in guys had their jaws dropped at the sight of those two drag queens. xDDDDDD).
    Damn, I was watching the CTV channel this whole time, and I also had to miss part of the ceremony because of an unexpected power outage (lasted for like 5 min though). =/ Oh well, looks like the search is on for those videos! ^^; It was amazing what you guys did during that first part of the ceremony. AND AWESOME!!! (Lucky.... ;~;).
    I should be asleep by now, so I'll reply to your other message at a later time, but I just wanted to wish you the best of luck tomorrow. YOU GO GIRL!!! ROCK THE AUDIENCE'S SOCKS OFF!!!! ^w^
    Better to speak what's on your mind than staying silent for all eternity. =P And don't worry, I'm not gonna shun you. ^^;


    ...*Giggles hysterically*.... Cute. ~ <3 ^//^


    I would rather keep my identity a secret to the public. However, since you know my name and saw it in the credits, it should've been obvious as to which character I played in the videos. (Let's continue this discussion to the PMs, now shall we? ;))
    I use substitutions, too, except when I'm in a really pissy, pissy mood and it has only happened this year! (And now I got a friend who's calling me a rebel ever since I finally said the F word once. xD).

    I... don't necessarily say everything that comes off the top of my head; I usually hesitate when it comes to speaking— both online and in real life. In fact, I tend to worry a lot about what other think about me, but as time passed I've grown less afraid of other people's judgments (although I still fear what people say about me). When I'm around my friends, however, it doesn't matter what I say because I know for a fact that my friend won't mind. As the quote goes, "Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." Nonetheless, don't censor yourself, just be yourself and say whatever you want; I find that it's a perfect strategy to develop the mind. ;)

    No, there is more that you can say to me, but its lasting effect will be only to guide me in the right direction. I got to do the walking and make sure I'm on track. And you're welcome. ^^

    I don't believe it was a metaphor; I mean, what are you comparing? To me, it's more of a.... enlightening speech/advice? I'm not sure, but I liked how you worded it! ^^


    Um.... well, uh..... O///O
    ....Has it ever crossed your mind what would happen if we were an... item? ^//^ (I'm actually being serious; I've thought about it a few times. My imagination is rather... cute let's say).


    Ooh, ooh, watch this video! And when you're done, you could go ahead and watch the mockumentaries (part 1 and part 2)! And guess what? I'm in the videos, too. ^^ (Can you identify me? =3)


    Hmm.... Feb. 28 is coming up real soon. Well, then, I just wanted to say that I give my full support to you. =D Good luck on that day!
    Heh, long time no chat, Blazie. It's been... what, four days since we last spoke? =P Sorry for the long wait; a lot of other stuff has been going on with my life and it involves me using the F word a lot. O.O

    Anyway, in response to your message....

    ...Thank you, Blazie. It really means a lot to me to read such a meaningful words coming from you. =D But really, I'm just saying what comes to my head a lot of the time. It's true that I've never seen you performed, but I truly believe you're much more better than what you lead yourself to be (which I do not know how you think of yourself in such case).

    And again, thank you for your kind words. <3 I've heard a lot of people call me cool before and I'm glad to hear every one of them. However, I realized that there is one person who isn't convinced that I am as cool: myself. I was blind to not see my friends being super supportive of me until the weekend had past, and now I'm completely aware that I have friends who I can count on and who truly care about me. Now it's just a matter of convincing myself that the things I do and have are definitely worth smiling for. I gotta figure that out on my own, there's just no other way around it....

    And lastly, I don't think the metaphor was lousy; it sounded perfect to me. =)
    ... I love you, Blazie. ~<3 O////O (Not that way, but... you know what I mean. ^^ [But then again... who knows what could happen? ^//^;]).
    I can imagine with the Olympics happening. ^^

    Uh.... uh.... wow, I'm speechless. O.O That was some amazing advice. Although.... I have a jealousy problem. I've already let my jealousy consume me a long time ago, but it's only now that it's having a great effect on me (I believe this is mostly due to stress). It's just.... well, most of my friends— online and real— are those who are younger than me or my age, and the things they've learned/are learning and done/are doing.... That's what I'm really jealous about. For instance, you have your Olympics thing to go to, plus you're in a show (such talent which can entertain an audience is what I'm jealous for); another friend of mine is a Pokémon TCG player with full comprehension of the game's mechanics, and he may even win the Worlds Championship (his level of dedication, understanding, strategic thinking, and other things he has done is what makes me envious— and it's not with just the card game either); another friend of mine who is much younger than me is just plain intelligent, can think logically and is a wiz when it comes to technology and programming (I lack logic, I cannot think outside of the box; his knowledge on technology & programming is amazing... to amazing to the point of making me feel envious).... Just thinking about it makes me think about my loss childhood.

    I missed so much from my childhood; it was mostly work and no play really (and it didn't help that my parents were still strict then). I really want the life I could've have as a child— a time where there was less work, less angst, less problems, more wonderful friends, more excitement, a lot of craziness.... *Sighs* I'm feeling nostalgic as I think about all this. Ever since I made it to grade 11 and entered college, it seems as though I've been feeling anxious everyday.


    Yep, that's Zrioy in my avatar. He's a Buizel/wolf hybrid! =D

    Tomorrow's Feb. 19th... my birthday.... I'm so excited! =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I'm finally gonna be a legal adult!
    ...Although, the more I age, the more I worry about my future. *Sighs* I'm such a pessimist....
    Meh, whatever floats your boat. =P

    *Sighs* Valentine's Day— or Singles Awareness Day— was.... alright to say the least. I say 'alright' 'cause on that day I went to a game store and got to watch a Pokémon TCG match up close. Thanks to a friend of mine, I'm slowly growing into the trading card game now, and V-Day officially marked the first day of my career. ^^

    ....*Sighs*.... I seem to be jealous of everybody as of late. >.> (Namely for their intelligence and the activities they do). *Sighs* I feel dumb and spiritually left behind compared to everybody I've befriended.... *Eternal sigh*
    Zoroark reminds me of Zorro simply because of the name. You know, the masked outlaw who defends the people of the land against tyrannical officials and other villains? :3

    Anyway, I admit, I find Zoroark cool looking (he kinda resembles Sceptile if you ask me) and Zoroa to be cute. Hmm, I wonder what'll be my favorite Pokémon from the 5th generation? ^^

    ...Valentine's Day... My B-Day.... Feb. 28th.... Wow, a lot of things are happening. I'm not really looking forward to V-Day though. =/ Everybody is out with their lovers whereas those without lovers have nothing better to do except stay at home and be miserable. *Sighs*
    ...Good point. I'll find a way, you'll see. ;) I plan on buying a lottery ticket on my birthday. Heh, imagine my first ticket is the grand prize? Talk about irony and awesomeness. =D

    Well, we could speculate on what to expect for the 5th generation now that Zoroa and Zoroark have been revealed to the public earlier than anticipated (I'm assuming you're up to date with the PokéNews, but if not, go check Serebii). =) Personally I find Zoroark cool looking (not to mention hot for obvious reasons (*cough*). O//O ); Zorua is just so cute! ^^

    Anyway, back to the subject at hand, I might or might not buy HG or SS (I still haven't decided yet. ^^;). I'm currently being conservative with my money so that I may go to certain conventions this summer (and from what I heard you'll need to bring a minimum of $100 to each one of them. O.o).
    xDDDDDDDDDDD That's just too funny! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


    Hmm, I guess I haven't told you yet. ^^; Anywho, my birthday is on the 19th. YAYZ!!! =D I'm finally gonna turn 18 and be able to play the lottery! If I end up winning, I'm gonna share some of my winnings to you! ^^
    ...I'm being serious....
    ...Too late. ^^; (YAY, go us!)

    Dark-blue feathered Hoothoot named Noelle with purple eyes.... *Jots it down* Alright, I should get started soon then. :D

    Considering this is physics, which I did horribly in high school, hopefully I end up with a mark 75 or above in the end. Meh, I'm not too energetic of the subject unlike in high school; my teacher was really awesome back then, and this one is just.... too picky with everything. >.>

    W00t!!! Way to go, Blazie! I'm so happy for you! =D =D =D Now it's time to go for the gold! ^w^

    ...Did I ever tell you when my birthday was?
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