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  • Okay, I got the document. =D Although I got two notifications in my e-mail and one of those notifications has a link that doesn't work. Did you mean to send me two documents or just one? The first one you sent was only at least 4000 words whereas the other document was 5000.

    And speaking of writing, I should probably put "Tales of _____" in my list of resolutions (yes, I am changing the last word in the title with something else that better reflects the contents of the story).

    No parent would ever be pleased with their children talking to strangers— not to mention online stranger— and, sorry to say, I have to side with them (but then again I'm a hypocrite and I'm too lazy even bother listening to a righteous parent. xD). And technically your parents are able to read our conversations, but I doubt they'll be able to read anything knowing how this forum can become very erroneous. In any case, though, just make sure they won't be able to click that "View Conversation" button and I'll do the same here (or better yet, you can change your privacy settings. =P). I mean, I don't want to lose one of the best and most awesome person I've ever met; I always look forward for your messages and replies to my messages because they get me to feel all giddy. ^^
    You could always send the file to me by e-mail or through Fanfiction.net (remember how I sent you my story to have it beta'd?).

    Moving on.... Happy New Years, Blazie! =D What is/are your New Years resolution(s)? Mine is to finally get off that lazy butt of mine and do all the work that I've been meaning to do this last year (eg: learn Japanese, get a better grasp of the French language, review for my driving test, learn how to animate, etc etc) and find a good paying part-time job so that I may finally buy the things I want but most importantly gain actual work experience.

    And lastly... I would like to say that 2009 was the best year of my life. You want to know why? During this year, I have made many friends but only three people who I can consider to be my best friends— you included out of those three. d^0^b Much to my dismay, though, those three friends are people I chat with online and live far away (which royally sucks balls) but just befriending them made this year worthwhile. *Sighs* I wish we could meet face-to-face.... To conclude, I'm happy with how this year has been to me. Also, thank you for being such a great— nay, awesome friend! =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
    Hence why such names like that are better off as nicknames. Oddly, though, JR isn't one of my nicknames. O.o And again, I'm the odd one, not you; I mean, how many people do you meet who have a math fetish, is afraid of balloons of a certain size, and eats ice cream with soy sauce? O//O Moreover, if you combine that with what I told you in my previous PM that just seals the deal.

    Speaking about my PM, I sincerely apologize for even scarring you just a teeny bit. ^^;

    That makes two of us, although I'm less shy and more social online. O.O Also, whenever I'm offline, I'm a bit more confusing to understand in that I mumble a lot and I'm pretty much lonely. =( (But— and this will sound corny in my opinion— I will always have you and two other best friends with me spiritually (although I wish it were physically instead. =/)).

    Ooh, I finally got the final marks from my first semester of college. =D I did a lot better than I thought for my first semester. Wanna hear about them? I feel like sharing them.
    Heh heh, you did a lot more than just change my life. ^^ You see.... Hmm... actually, I'll PM that piece of info.

    Thank God they reconsidered it. The last name that they considered referring to me was— literally— JR (which is read as two separate letters). From what my parents told me a while back, they wanted to name me something with the letter J and somehow include an R in there. -.-;

    I LIKE the way you think. =D Now to spend that money to buy that hat for my friend on DA. ^^ And concerning my real life friend... *sighs* he only has 2 months before life takes a turn on him. At least he knows that I'm willing to help him when the time comes. :)
    You're welcome times infinity. ^_^ And really, you're a great author— for real!

    I have no clue; I just went on Google Translator and picked any language to translate into for some of them. Also, you never actually mentioned TCoD in any of our convos; truth be told, I googled "BlazieAura" for quick access to your Fanfiction account and one of the results happened to reveal which forum you joined. I clicked that link, thought the forum was nice and here I am now. ^0^

    Well I find it weird. =S I mean, what kind of name is J_____-Ryan?
    ...Meh, at least it's better than being named Junior for all my life (that was a second name decision made by my parents).

    All I got for Christmas was $105 and a box of chocolate. =P Meh, it's better than nothing I guess. It's also a lot better than what a friend of mine got for Christmas: $50 and 3 suitcases, with one of the suitcases containing a mean letter. That's all I'm gonna say about my friend's Christmas, although I think you can infer what the suitcases are for when I say he's turning 18 in a few months from now. *Sighs* I feel really bad for him now. =/
    You don't necessarily have to draw stuff on DA; you could also write stories on there if you wanted to. ^^ And thanks for the encouragement. =D

    And in response to your note, yeah, he ranks higher than you; but hey, you also have a very special place in my heart (wow, that just sounded so corny if you ask me. xD). 1) You're my first online friend; 2) you're fun to chat with; 3) you're stories are amazing; 4) you simply hear me out; and 5) without your help, I never would have found these forums and befriended my best best friend— not to mention make many other friends as well. ^^ All I have left to say are these:

    Thank you very much!
    Merci beaucoup!
    Arigatou gozimasu!
    Muchas gracias!
    Hartelijk dank!
    Kiitos paljon!
    Ddiolch 'ch iawn lawer!
    *Insert "Thank you very much!" in a different language here*

    XDDDDDDDD I'll let that one slide. ;D Although I don't know why I'm more shy in revealing my real first name rather than my last name to others. Maybe I find my first name to be a bit weird (though it's not as weird as "Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii". No joke, look it up).
    You'll figure it out eventually, I know you will. ;)
    Wait, that movie's out in theaters already? O_o Odd, I haven't see any commercials here about it, just a preview when I went to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (I think).
    Yay for Christmas! ^w^ You know, I was thinking of buying a hat in time for Christmas— this hat to be specific: http://cloudricklloyd.deviantart.com/art/contest-submission-147570052 You may think it's selfish of me to buy the hat for myself, right? Actually, this is not the case; if you look at the image, you'll see that it's part of a contest. One of the ways to win the contest is for somebody to make a purchase of your hat design, and that way the person hosting the contest will create two identical hats— one for the client and one for the person who created the hat design! ^^

    I'm buying this hat because this is an entry of another best friend of mine and I really want him to get that hat! If you were to join that kind of contest, I would also help you in the same manner. =D Why? Because you're both... well, you're both truly my only real friends overall (although he ranks a bit higher than you, sorry. ^^;). Sure, you may be an online friend and we both live far away but screw that! Distance doesn't matter; it makes no difference. You're real enough to me! So... thank you for being a truly wonderful friend, Bla— nah, Haylz. =D (It's a really touchy moment for me, so I couldn't resist using your real name. You could use my nickname, Ryan, to address me but please, don't use the one that starts with J; I'm rather anxious in revealing that name. ^^;)
    On the contrary, you called that snippet of your story the prologue. I guess you can call it a pet peeve of mine because seeing the kidnapping occur right at the beginning of the story seems a bit too... rushed let's say.

    And yes, I also got those asterisks. I didn't mind them though. :3
    Chocolate? CHOCOLATE?! *Opens mouth wide up to the sky...
    ...piles of snow falls in mouth* GAH, it tastes like acidic snow!

    (Speaking of food items raining from above, isn't there going to be a movie about food raining down to the ground?)
    Urgh! Im sorry, but today the reffing WON'T be done.

    Still, I'll tell you already now Po has scored one critical hit.
    And, by the way, please try to male less complicated command chains in future*hinthint*
    Yea, sure! Im sorry, there was just a LOT of pressure on me-
    3 Exams(30% to 40% of my total grade) in one week, LOADS of homework, oboe class(sun and mon-day), a day without premission to touch the computer, and a private life.

    In other words, here's how it was like this week:
    (and yes I do learn in sundays, I live in germany. Oh and I might make mistakes with some day names...)
    Sunday(1): Test+Oboe(group)
    Monday(2): Oboe class, lotsa homework, I've been grounded.
    Tuesday(3): I was at my friend's house, came back at 7 PM and homework.
    ghgfhday(4): School till 16:30 PM, loads of homework and some stuff I had to do for my brothers and sister.
    Wednesday(5): Today. I. Is. Going. To. Make. A. Fucking. Reffing. Woohoo STOP

    Uh, sorry if that somehow nerves you. Anyway, on to Reffing!
    Sorry about that. ^^; I did comment on your prologue but as soon as I hit "send message" TCoD stopped functioning. I did this multiple times mind you and every time TCoD would stop. >.< I'm not in the mood of rewriting what I said there (I accidentally delete my Notepad message), so I'm just gonna say that it's a good start, although wouldn't it be better off as a separate chapter rather than immediately jumping to the kidnapping? (Meh, that's just me).
    By the way, before I forget....*ahem* Merry Christmas, Blazie! ;)
    Okay, I'm back once again and this time for good. The dance practice has been going extremely well. The problem is our timing and what not. Now one of the dancers is getting so pissed off that he's willing to murder somebody in the room. -.-;

    Anyway... just me you say, eh? Well then, I better get to work:

    Yo, Skroy!
    Yeah, what up, Skroy?
    Take a look at this piece of artwork I've been working on.
    Whoa, I did I pretty good job. But the gradient effect could've been a lot better.
    Are you saying my art is bad?
    No, I'm only critiquing my own art.
    I'm gonna take that as an invite to a battle.
    Oh, you want a piece of myself, huh punk!?

    Nonetheless, thank you very much for the help! ^^
    Dirty Rotten Scoundrels... where have I heard that before? *Shrugs* Meh, I'm too lazy to evoke my past memories. And speaking of con men... that Teddiursa in your avatar sure looks like the type to con you, Blazie. You better watch your back. ;)

    But onto other things, how were you scarred? =(
    Okay, I got some time to be on the Internet but then I'll be going back to studying and dancing. Also, you make a good point; I don't think I've seen any other Filipino not have black/brown hair. :P

    By the way, do you mind taking a look at this: http://zritts.deviantart.com/art/Dreaming-of-Freedom-146179439 . It's an entry of mine for a contest and I didn't make it to the semi-finals. However, I can still win the contest! All I have to do is get as many votes as I can for my piece from December 16 until the 22th. What I'm basically asking is... do you mind helping me win this contest by spreading the word about my entry? You don't have to help if you don't want to, but if you do, it doesn't matter how you help, just spread the word around! :D I'll pay you back somehow. ;)
    Well, you're right about the black hair. Lucky guess I guess. =P

    Anyway, I'm just here to inform you that I will be away from the Internet for the time being, namely for this week. I still got a calculus and a chemistry exam to write, plus I will be practicing the waltz for this whole week. -_-; Wish me luck with the dancing! ^w^ (And I also wish you luck with your rehearsals. ;D)
    Good luck with that then! ^w^ I'm not good with coming up with a middle, so I can't help you there. =/
    Thank you for the title of the song. I knew it sounded familiar; I've only seen a small portion of the musical Funny Girl, namely the part where the song is sang. Honestly, I think Lea sings "Don't Rain On My Parade" a whole lot better.

    And speaking of titles, I found out the title of the waltz I'm dancing to! ^w^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5t_s1FW5bvA. I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to at least reveal the title of the music we're dancing to. Doesn't it sound lovely? :3
    ...Well, everybody seemed to like the name Skroy rather than Zritts. =/ So now Zritts will officially be an OC of mine plus the manager of my DA account. :3
    *Marks date down* I'll make sure that I watch it. You're gonna be amazing, I just know it! ^w^ Speaking of the Olympics, my old high school held the torch relay for the Olympics and I was able to see the Olympic flame, not to mention the passing of the torch as well! ^w^ Out of that event, I got a free blue tuque and two free coke bottles designed exclusively for the occasion. :D
    ...Just out of curiosity but what can you picture me as BEHIND the avatar? Since the chances of me of seeing you in real life are 99.9% (I'm taking into account of a blackout), you got me curious as to how you would react once you see my real face. :3
    Thanks for accepting my challenge, Blazie! Now all we need is a Ref. To be honest I didn't expect someone to respond that quickly. I'll send a Friend Request.
    Sounds good so far. *Nods head rapidly* :D

    Huh, interesting definition.... Now that I understand what an ulterior motive is, I'll be sure to use it for Tales of Acceptance. So thanks! :D And speaking of ToA, yes, this will be my third time rewriting it. ^^; However, I'm thinking of changing that title; and also, I'm changing the introduction by adding a prologue this time, Sprik won't be Adam's Pokémon and speaking of Adam, I'll change it so that he doesn't intend to go on a journey just yet. ;) I'll send you a quick exposition by PM; don't want others to know what goes on in my story.

    I concur with your statement. And honestly, Emma and Will make a better (not to mention cuter) couple than the people they were originally with.
    By the way, do you happen to know the title of the song that Rachel sang? I simply love it and want to hear it again! ^w^

    EDIT: Unless she (Butterfree) hasn't done so yet, you'll notice that I've changed my username yet again. :P
    Now that's original! x3 And hey, you can even make the kidnapper be a good guy, too, but his actions are unjust. By the way, what does "ulterior motive" mean? I've heard it used twice or thrice but I never understood what it meant.

    And speaking of plots and whatnot... wanna hear my revamped plot for Tales of Acceptance? :3 You read right, I'm going to be revamping ToA yet again (*Groans* How many times has this been revamped...?). I'm still going to use the OC you gave me just so you know.

    ...Sue Sylvester is awesome! ^w^ [/random]
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