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  • OUCH!!! X_X
    I'm sorry to hear the news, Blazie. Unfortunately, I'm not so good at cheering other people. =/ But, um, please don't be all upset; I don't wanna see you like this. =( "No use crying over spilled milk" as the expression goes.

    If you still feel like ranting, though, you could always post in the "Grr" thread in the Coughing Cupboard— that is if you're willing to let others read your rant.
    According to what my English teacher told me: "When you're stuck in writing a story, always ask yourself the 5Ws: who, what, when, where and why?" If you still end up here chatting with me, then perhaps I may be able to somehow provide you with some inspiration during your distraction phase. :3
    Trigonometry, eh? Alright then, I'll give you a heads up and tell you three words you should definitely memorize (not memorize per se but rather understand):

    SOH: Sin (θ) = Opposite/Hypothenuse
    CAH: Cos (θ) = Adjacent/Hypothenuse
    TOA: Tan (θ) = Opposite/Adjacent

    θ = Angle

    Now refer to the images below if you can see them:

    Not as scary as you thought it would be, right? ;D But the above is for right triangles only.
    Later on, you'll work with different kinds of triangles that don't have right angles like the one shown below:

    In this case, you will be learning how to use the sine law: a/sin A = b/sin B = c/sin C

    And the cos law:
    a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2bc(cos A)
    b^2 = a^2 + c^2 - 2ac(cos B)
    c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab(cos C)

    ....And I think I pretty much covered the most essential items you will have to know in trigonometry. xDDD (Though I didn't explain how to find θ when you have its sin/cos/tan value. I could tell you how to calculate it on your calculator if you want. =P)
    Wait, there's no D mark? O_o I find that particularly odd...
    At my school, we go by the percentage system (so much easier to read in my opinion) and quintiles (I believe you will learn this later in statistics, but to be clear students are ranked with a value from 1 to 5 according to their grade, 1 being the best and 5 being the worst). If we went by a letter system, I think the grading would be something like this under each interval:

    A = 95% |A- = [90%, 94%] |A+ = [96%, 99%] |A++ = 100%
    B = 85% |B- = [80%, 84%] |B+ = [86%, 89%]
    C = 75% |C- = [70%, 74%] |C+ = [76%, 79%]
    D = 65% |D- = [60%, 64%] |D+ = [66%, 69%]

    F = x < 60%
    Hmm, I see. Since that is the case, I don't mind not speaking with you for a bit (...okay, maybe I do mind a bit since I love chatting, but I'll live through it somehow. ^^;) Well, then, I wish you the best of luck with NaNoWriMo! :D

    Expect to see lots of brackets and fractions in math. You shouldn't worry because knowing you (sorta), you'll get the hang of dealing with those two. As they say, "practice makes perfect."

    It's one of those you-gotta-be-there moments but you can pretty much assume that it had to do with the guy's armpits. X_X

    If you don't act like a perfectionist in subjects you don't care for, then why would you care if you get a grade of C? (To me, a C grade is equivalent to 75%) D or F, I would understand, but not C. But hey, I'm just saying. =P
    Again, you're not learning calculus now, so don't worry about it; I'm just telling you what to expect. Also, SAY WHAT?! isn't my favorite class anymore; granted, I love the class for the material we're covering but my love and passion lie in calculus & programming. <333 I would say my SAY WHAT is my third favorite class now.

    What you just said somehow reminded me of being at La Ronde, an amusement park in my province (I guess the word "screamed" must've triggered my memory) ^^;. Now that I've mentioned it, I got a story: you know when on a roller coaster the cart goes up a hill and as soon as it reaches the apex the cart falls and people raise their hands in the air? Yeah, I was sitting behind this guy who raised his arms and— OHMYGOD, PLEASE SOMEBODY SHOOT ME! (....Yeah, it was that bad. Luckily I wasn't the only one who was thinking like that. =P).

    Uh, I hate to break it to you but you ARE too hard on yourself. O_o The fact that you get sad when you reach the eighties is a sign of perfectionism. Not a good sign, and I should know because I used to feel that way when I lost marks on my assignments (and I still do sometimes. =/). Hmm, maybe I should add it to the list....

    15) We both get really sad when we get marks that we consider to be low.
    ^Scratch what I said a long time ago; we DO have a lot in common.
    Well, I might as well tell you this to get a sense of what you're gonna be dealing with: "Calculus is less static and more dynamic. It is concerned with change and motion; it deals with quantities that approach other quantities". That's what it says in my book. =P

    Well, you certainly seemed to have had a fun time over there. I'm jealous now. ;~; (I always wanted to go ziplining, despite the slight fear of height).
    (99%): MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! You shall never get the part you want, Blazie, for I, as we all know, am greater than that puny excuse for a number. >8D
    Hey, 99%, look what I have here. *Shows off liquid paper*
    GAH! YOU! Keep that abomination away from me!
    *Opens* Sorry to have to do this to you but this is for a friend of mine and with you around, she has a high chance of not getting the part she wants.
    But without me, who's going to occupy that space next to your grade in math?
    Either 98% or 100%. My grade in that subject is still around the 90's you know. *Applies liquid*
    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO— *Garble, garble, garble...*
    I don't think they teach calculus in high school (but there is pre-calculus which you could take, that I'm sure of. :D). Then again, the education system is different all around the world, so I might be wrong (but I doubt it).

    Ooh, music camp, that is fun— save for the cleaning! =D Anything of interest that happened while you were there? The last time I went to a music camp, I spotted a wolf. =O
    ...Or maybe it was a stray dog, I dunno. *Shrugs*

    See, what did I tell you? Teachers just love to torture their students. Bunch of sadists.... xD (This isn't the best example of torture, but you get the general sense of what I mean, right?).
    Anyway, it's after the 17th of October, so you should be getting the list soon. =D
    Heh, sorry for the long response. Sometimes college can be such a pain in the a— ooh, look, some derivatives (yay! =D) :

    d/dx(x^2) = 2x
    f(x) = 6x^7 + 5/x^4 -> f'(x) = 42x^6 - 20x^-5
    g(x) = (4x^5 + 4)(3) -> g'(x) = (4x^5 + 4)' * (3) + (4x^5 + 4)*(3)' = 60x^3

    Meh, I'm bored. =P (By the way, don't be scared by what you see right now. You're not learning it now obviously and besides, they're easy to understand, just trust me. Expect to work with these in Calculus if you're planning on taking that course in college).
    The quote actually came from a fortune cookie I ate and I just modified the fortune. =P In any case, you could say the quote refers to the two or it could be to the audience and Dawn & Fen are there to set the mood of the pic. It all depends on how you interpret the picture. :D
    XD That definitely sounds like a fun class! Again, I wish you the best of luck on getting the part you want. ;D
    ...Heh, catwalk... I still find that a funny word for some reason. xD
    *Wakes up and regains consciousness* Owwie. ;~;
    (^If you want to continue this little RP, just add onto it but separate it from the main messages with "-----")

    Heh, have you ever tried tasting baby food now that you're NOT a baby? :3

    And thank you for the comment! ^w^ I was so happy with the way your pic came out I almost couldn't believe I made it. O_o I even set it as my desktop background. xD Anyway, since the pic was intended to be a gift for you do whatever you want with it; set it as your desktop background, crop a piece of it to place as your avatar, put it in your sig.... do whatever! :D

    I take out the kernels then turn them into mush so I can eat my corn and not get them stuck in my braces. Unfortunately, every time I turn them into mush they end up tasting horrible for some reason. XP
    *Gives you hard stick* Go ahead, hit me as much as you want. You have every right to do so considering how I like to tease you when it comes to Grovyle. XD
    *Taps shoulder*
    *Turns around* Ye— ZOMG, IT'S GROVYLE!
    *Punches Skroy in the face*
    *Falls unconscious* X_X

    (In any case, tell me if I'm going too far with the teasing).
    It's simple really: you use the fork to push your food (eg: rice) onto the spoon and then you eat it. :P As for me, I tend to substitute the spoon for a steak knife so that I have less dishes to clean after breakfast/lunch/dinner. xD
    *Sniffs* Ahh.... Love is in the Air, don't you agree, Blazie? ;D
    Oh no, he was not humiliated; it was actually part of the script his class wrote. (It was him who actually suggested the idea in the first place. XD). Anyway, sounds to me you're more likely to get the role you want. GO GO GO FOR IT! ^^
    Unfortunately, Blazie, I'm in a sharing mood right now, so here's some corn for you:

    Besides, what's wrong with corn? Corn's niiiiiice... ^^ (Truth: Of course I'm not gonna show you anything to do with "corn"— unless you request for it that is. *Giggles ;J* I wouldn't want to scar you with a pic of two Pokémon...... uh.... "hugging" one another if you catch my drift again.)

    And yeah, it's the one with Grovyle and you as your Pokésona (or maybe your persona instead) slapping my sona in the artistic commentary.... *shifts eyes*.....
    ♪Grovyle and Blazie sitting in a tree; K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Blazie with a— *shot shot shot SHOT SHOT* ♪ XD (...Don't hurt me... ^^; ).
    Speaking of Filipinos (myself included), did you know that they eat their meals with a fork & spoon? (For instance, can you imagine eating steak with a spoon?)
    Well then do your best and you'll most likely succeed! =) And yeah, I have to agree, it should not matter whether you're a guy or girl to get the role of any part in a show (I mean, there was this one guy who played the role of a female character in a production created entirely by the Theatre class students at my school, and my God, he played his role perfectly and he looked, as his classmates had put it, "sexy." XD)

    Uh, truth be told, I occasionally let my drawing time interfere with my work time, which is a major problem because I need time to work on college assignments. I really should learn how to manage my time more efficiently. X_X H-Help....

    And while I'm on the topic of art, I actually have, uh.... *counts*.... 7 other drawings that I have to draw. (Well, technically, I don't have to draw them but I want to; it's a personal goal of mine as well as a challenge, and I LOVE challenges [which is one reason why I love math.] ^ω^). Two of those drawings are for you; one is a birthday gift to somebody on this site; and the rest are... uh.... duh... um.... let's just say these are experimental pics that involve Pokémon creatures and "corn" if you catch my drift. x3

    I know, right? :3 What he did up there was apply his knowledge of kinesics (the study of signals, such as gestures, facial expressions, body posture, etc.) and proxemics (study of how humans claim their personal space) to a real life situation. I definitely learned something after watching that video: when you're in a relationship, never get into a fight with your girlfriend 'cause most likely she'll win. ^^;
    I got that for Christmas just so you know. Best Christmas gift ever! ^_^

    Speaking of the pic, I made a mistake unfortunately and now I have to sketch it all over again. =/ Shouldn't take too long redoing the sketch.

    XD But chances are that one of the actors will get the role of Aladdin since he is a male character. I'm not trying to break your spirits or anything but that is my thought. Hopefully you get the part you want. :D

    Ooh, do you know who Dane Cook is? I watched this video in my SAY WHAT?! class and it pretty much shows how what I'm currently learning in class is being applied. It's a really funny video in my opinion and I feel like sharing (warning: there is excessive swearing in this): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VW3jn3vOiMM
    Because the adults who enforce these educational and beneficial values just love to torture their students. :3 Bunch of sadists.... xP

    It's a good thing that I got the translation pack then. XD However, again, it only translates the menus, items, Pokémon and all that stuff that is not remotely related to the storyline.

    Quick update: I finally got around to doing that Fen/Dawn pic. I still gotta ink it, then scan it, then Photoshop it, then post it and show it to you. Phew! I got too many pics I wanna draw for my friends... x.x
    From what I gather, teachers assign comprehension questions in order to help us further develop our thoughts. Granted they suck and are annoying, but now that I think about it, they're there to help us gain a better understanding of complex ideas.

    Getting the game isn't exactly hard if you have a Flash Cart. :3 And of course, the storyline is important as well; it's the main reason why I play video games a lot. Also, thanks for the tip, even if it is the most obvious one. ^^; Luckily, however, I managed to find a translation pack for the game. Unfortunately, it only translates the menus and Pokémon names, but I think it is sufficient enough for now. XP
    14) We both have trouble remembering mundane things (though in my case, not as much).
    The only time I look forward to English class is when we read short stories and/or essays without the comprehension questions that follow afterward. Note how this coming from a guy who doesn't like to read. XD I guess the reason I don't like reading stories in general is because I was usually asked to read in between the lines and taking in the details of what was written didn't help much with my gaining an interest.

    Which reminds, I got Soul Silver on my DS and I've yet to actually play it. XD It'll probably take a while to get through the game since it's in Japanese. =/ I never played Gold/Silver/Crystal before, so I will probably have no clue on what to do at the beginning of the game. Tips please? :3
    I meant it in the general sense, as in focusing on... normal stuff. =P (Hmm, now I see why I keep getting corrected on diction when it comes to English homework. =/)
    I was not expecting you to be mad. ^^;

    Anyway, I'm back from my time off, and let me tell you I learned something new: I totally fail at focusing. T_T

    P.S. Nice new avie. ^^
    Hmm, I'll try your suggestion. First things first, though, I'll have to go to the supermarket to get the ingredients if I wanna make them. ;3
    When you're in college, you get to choose the courses you want to take and make your own schedule. I chose to take a physical education class (volleyball class to be specific) since it was recommended that I'd take one for the semester. And yeah, I didn't know she was strict but I was running out of time to register for my courses. In the end, she turned out to be a last minute decision. =/ Luckily I'm only having her for one semester.

    Now that I brought it up, a semester at my college is equivalent to fifteen weeks of classes plus an final examination period. From what I've heard, those fifteen weeks pass by really fast and it is not a lot of time. There is good news to this, though: technically I finish the semester on the 18th of December, and then next semester I start classes on the 20th of January (in other words, I will have a 4-week holiday break! =D ). Hopefully I'll be able to go to California during that break since my parents promised we would go. ^w^
    W-Wow, that sure sounds super organized if you ask me. 0_0
    Okay, I guess that'll do. Listen up, Blazie, I'm gonna be away from TCoD for an indefinite amount of time. Why? College. Need I say more? :|
    ...Okay, maybe I should. Because of the workload I've been getting, I'll be needing the time to work on them. What I'm saying is TCoD is one of my biggest time wasters and I really should focus on my education.

    I'll be posting this same message in my profile as well, although it's worded differently (but you should read it). I felt that I should've let you know before posting that one. =) Talk to you later, Blazie, my best buddy! ^w^ (...Wow, that last phrase just sounds corny if you ask me. XD).
    "...mostly melted first because other than..."
    "...and I'm(omit) got portions of at least three other chapters done.."

    Hmm... Marshmallow brownies... *drools* XD How do you make them if you don't mind me asking? :3

    Whoa, whoa, I didn't mean to scare you. XP It depends on what kind of teacher you get really; mine is just really strict (one example: 3 absences— even with a medical note = INSTANT FAILURE!). I know for a fact that certain teachers give their students a break, and I just had to choose the one who doesn't. =/ Look, don't worry, the gym classes themselves aren't bad at all; just choose your teachers carefully.

    I was hoping for ToA to be great, but unfortunately I became too lazy to write it up. *Sighs* I really want to continue ToA, I really do. However, the truth is I never really thought about the chain of events. I know what the plot and events are obviously but I never considered how the story was going to rise to its climax and arrive at that specific point in time. =/

    If it were me, I would go with a prologue if there was some sort of background story I would like to share to the readers before the start of the plot. I suggest reading this for further help on when to use a prologue.
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