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  • Oh wait, I just remembered! You mentioned your birthday in your FF.net profile. Silly me. XP

    Well, for now it's just an idea. Once I can come up with a good, original plot, I'll ask for your help again and maybe we'll make some progress to the story. 8D

    Hmm... what to talk about now...?
    *Steals idea and claims it as his own. 8P*
    ...Hey, I thought of something: how about two grass types— one male and one female— who are best friends and they travel across some plains, approaching a mountain? Since I'm in the mood to write this story alongside another author, I can do the male's perspective and the other person- *wink, wink*- can do the female perspective. But it'll have to be a short adventure— like 10-12 chapters— since I don't have the time to do everything. =P

    I don't think I've asked you this before but when is your birthday? I'm also in the mood to give people gifts. 8D
    I have no idea. -.- But I'm thinking of a love slash adventure kind of story. It could either be original or a fanfic.

    I haven't thought of anything and yet I wanna make a story out of it! =S Maybe I'm just in a story idea mood today. (And considering how I had to analyze stories in English today, I'm not surprise why... =P).
    That's the only noteworthy thing I can point out for now unfortunately. =P

    Truth be told, there's no story yet. However, I've been trying to think of a plot after listening to "Lucky" by Jason Mraz ft. Colbie Caillat several times (...yeah, I admit I love this song. What can you do about it? =P). However, for this story which I have yet to think up properly, I was thinking of having another author work alongside me. (In other words, two authors are writing one story in from different perspectives.) Be aware, this is just a thought.

    EDIT: Oh wait, how could I forget this?
    13) We both like spoilers
    It's official: my favorite course of the semester is my humanities class, "SAY WHAT?!". Everything is just so funny in that class (eg: if your cellphone goes off, you have to sing a song. XD).

    Hey, I just thought of something, a story idea. Well, not idea per se but... um... Wanna hear what it's about first? :3
    Oh no no no no. That video was just something our teacher showed us in class so we get a feel of what the class will be like.

    This video, on the other hand, was the origin of an assignment I did on Monday. Taylor Mali is also in this video (once again, he is awesome!)

    Watch this vid, too. This is an intro to the next subject we're going to be covering: non-verbal communication. I couldn't stop laughing for a whole half hour after watching this! XDDDDDDDDDDDD
    Okay, just a recap of what we have in common (because I feel like it. ^w^):

    1) We like math
    2) We're musicians
    3) We have weird friends
    4) We both love Pokemon and Detective Conan/Case Closed
    5) We take most things at face value unless the situation calls for it
    6) We're both suckers for romance....
    7) We're both gullible
    8) We both have parents who joke around with a serious tone of voice.
    9) We both love puzzles
    10)We love using smilies. ^^
    11) We both have a tendency to change the topics and seem self-absorbed or boring as a result.
    12) We both type slow. XP
    13) ???
    I never played Trauma Center SO. But I did play "Trauma Center: Under the Knife" for the DS (the game you're playing is a remake of TC:UtK with a few new added features to it). I'm pretty sure the 6th chapter is a Wii-exclusive chapter, so I can't give you tips for beating it. Sorry. =(

    Ooh, ooh, watch this!
    ^This is a video I had to watch for my Humanities class. Taylor Mali is just awesome! :D
    If you're also slow at everything else (ex: running, writing, cooking, eating, reading, reacting, etc.) then that would be a 13th addition to the list. xD

    Anyway, I don't think I'll be able to reply to each paragraph in that huge VM. "College"... 'nuff said. =P But I will ask you this: was the game you were referring to in your large VM Trauma Center? :3
    I'm gonna reply to it, don't worry about it. ^w^ However, you'll have to give me A LOT of time to write up my response; I'm slow at typing as well as thinking up ideas that flow with the sentence. =P

    Also, I'm typing this message at the college campus and I'm almost late for class! XD I gotta get going soon.
    HOLY BROWN-THING-THAT-COMES-OUT-OF-REAR-END-THAT'S-NOT-HERE,-SMELLS-BAD,-ATTRACTS-FLIES-AND-LITTLE-KIDS-WITH-SPOONS! 0_0 That definitely is a long message. We should have one of those big, long, serious conversations someday. (Don't ask me why I want it, ask my muse. And yes, I'm still weird. =P).
    Moving along... *ahem*

    Actually, I'm the most violent one in my family; my sister only kicks me there out of self-defense when I constantly bug her (in most cases, however, I really do deserve that kick. =P). She is a year younger than you. I don't know how to best describe her. Then again, I guess you can call her a sensitive girl with a snarky attitude and sarcastic comments. On occasions, she can also be such a girly-girl/tomboy/hyperactive fangirl (PLEASE don't get me started on her obsession with the Jonas Brothers. -_-).

    It's alright to be jealous of your sister; at least it gives you a reason to improve, right? Well, that's how I see jealously; to me, it is a motivation driver. When I get jealous of somebody or something, I feel sad, but then I change my perspective and, figuratively speaking, transform my feelings of jealously & sadness into a bullet— which represents my motivation— that is to be shot at a target— a target that represents my success at improvement. In other words, I purposely let myself get jealous so as to provide me with motivation to improve my skills/character. However, I digress.

    Your brother certainly sounds interesting. When it comes to playing video games, though, we both pretty much do the same thing (except I do all the work for the person I'm helping. XD).

    You're gonna make your protagonist sort of like Haibara? And within a love triangle? This should be interesting.. .8J
    I've yet to find one teacher whom I can hate; they're always so nice and very considerate (albeit they do give a lot of work for my class to complete. =/ ).

    Simply put, a flash cart is a special cartridge that allows you to play any game you want provided that you have downloaded a file of the game for that system and have it stored in your microSD card. Again, this is illegal to do unless you have the game already. =P Also, you have to order it online, and unfortunately I do not know what site you order it from since I got my flash cart on Christmas (thanks auntie! ^w^).

    As with God, I'm agnostic about Santa Claus as well, more on the he-is-fictional side. I feel this way because... it's a precious childhood memory when it comes to Santa Claus, a time where I wasn't so anxious and timid; a time where I was truly myself. When I think about Santa, I get all nostalgic and whatnot.

    Now that you've mentioned siblings, you've got me curious: how many do you have? I have a younger sister who I like to tease a lot (which is my way of showing how much I care about her) but as a result she kicks me back— hard... and at the area just below the waist.

    I find romance to be the hardest genre to write because, in my opinion, it has to be realistic no matter what or else it will not have any meaningful impact to your readers and the story. Screw up the romance and you can kiss your story down the toilet as I say. I've seen your writing; you do have the potential to pull this off. I'm rooting for you! ^w^

    Hmm... there's a truth to your statement now that you mention it. When I speak with others who aren't you, my posts tend to be short unless I go all serious with them. With you, however, my responses are usually a paragraph long and I've never gone all serious with you yet. 0_0
    Addition to list of similarities:

    11) We both have a tendency to change the topics and seem self-absorbed or boring as a result (well, I'm more like that in real life because I can't contribute to the discussions much (not that my listener really listens anyway. :/ )).
    Moving on... *ahem*

    Yes, teachers are a big factor on how well you do in the class. However, you must realize that they all have different rules and teaching methods for you to follow. If you can enable yourself to adapt these changes, then you will most likely succeed in the class. The key to passing the course, in my opinion, is to work around those class rules by exerting a suitable amount of effort into your work load as well as gaining the trust of your teacher (remember, this is my opinion).

    Even if I wanted to mail the game to you, I can't. You see, I have this item called a flash cart, which allows me to play downloadable games or ROMs as they are called. However, I don't keep the game but rather I play it and as soon as I finish, I delete it from my archive and download a new game. Tedious process but my actions are obviously illegal to perform.

    I just finished checking your FF profile. Firstly, yay, you updated! ^w^ (I'll probably leave a proper review in your story but don't count on it too much since much of my time is consumed already. :/ ). Secondly— and this is concerning your poll— I can't decide on a relationship! Obviously I'm gonna choose a romantic pairing but they're all so good. T_T

    I don't mind if you talk about yourself; if you've noticed, I talk about myself as much as you do (but like I said, I do it more in real life). Don't worry about it, I like learning about new things and talking about stuff— any kind of stuff! (Me talking about stuff in comparison to real life, though... this is what you call irony. XD). However, if there is no variation to the discussion— that is, nothing eye-catching new is being said— then I'll most likely want to change subject.

    Wow! I think this is the longest VM I've ever typed up. O_o
    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I'm in the "Computer Science & Mathematics" program, and I guess I just need those classes written in bold (but I do know that I'm required to attend my Intro. to Programming class). However, I can't change out of those classes no matter what (but the teachers are good, so everything is fine).

    And concerning job... I have no clue what I want to be. =S I just love math and science is all. Worst case scenario, I could always be a math teacher.

    And yes, I have the new Professor Layton game (thanks to my flash cart. ^w^) Due to school, however, I'm unable to play much of it. :( So far I'm on Puzzle 5, which is a puzzle where you have to rearrange Luke's trunk.
    *Ahem* My courses for the first semester:
    • SAY WHAT?!: COMMUNICATION (Humanities)
    • Langue Française et Communication (French obviously)
    • Literature and Composition (English)
    • Calculus I
    • Volleyball (Phys. Ed.)
    • Intro. to Programming
    • General Chemistry
    (Courses in bold are courses that I have to take for my program. As for everything else, I could've decided whether or not to take them (but I need to have at least 4 courses minimum, so I have to at least pick one other course).

    On a different note, guess what new game I got? I'll give you a hint but first, pay up a hint coin. ;D
    I'm definitely gonna enjoy this class, despite the fact I don't particapate in class discussions nor do I speak in class; my reading comprehension is low; and my critical thinking process is low. However, all three of those skills are required to pass the class, so I'm taking it in order to develop those skills I lack.

    And yes, depnding on how the person communicate with the inclusion of swear words, you could determine the person's nature/behavior/personality. And that's the gist of the course: we'll analyze various forms of communication such as through music, art, writing, body language, interacation between sexes, etc. I'm pretty sure we'll look past the swear words and find deeper meanings to them when they're used to communicate later on in the course.
    I suggest you do your best to remember the stuff you learn but ultimately it's your choice to do whatever you want. (In all my classes I've been to, all we did was run through the course outline and did a bit of review).

    Ah yes, ALNM would never be the same without Angela's cursing; it's in her character to swear every paragraph. XD
    Anyway, I've already mentioned to you one of my classes: SAY WHAT?! Apparently, swearing is obligatory if I wanna pass the course. XD And there'll also be a time when we have to create new potty mouth words, too. XDDDDDDD (So far the largest amount of new potty mouth words is 55. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD).
    You don't necessarily have to review your high school; I decided to review them on my own accord because I find that it will help me have a fresh start (that and I forgot a lot of the things I learned in chemistry. xD).

    Anyway, I just got through my first day of college! ^w^ Before I go on, though, what are you thoughts on the usage of swear words in general?
    I envy you, Blazie. -_-;; But hey, this is college, so I should've expected the early starting date.

    Well, I gotta go review my high school notes now; I only have today to review all of them in preparation for tomorrow (yeah, I procrastinate and I don't need to tell you not to do it. =P)

    Hopefully I won't drown in homework in my chemistry class again. And hopefully my 1 1/2 - 2 hour classes will fun and interesting (yeah, that's how long each of my classes are; I barely have the energy to stay focused for my high school classes, which were an hour long each save for music class! Dx).

    When do you start school by any chance? :3
    Unfortunately the lawnmowers got to me. THEY WERE EVERYWHERE! D8

    I have no trouble waking up early no matter the season; sleeping is something else though. But yeah, it sucks to have to wake up so early just for school. *Groans* It's too bad how I have classes which either start at 8:00 AM or 8:30 AM the whole week through, meaning I'll have to wake up at 5 AM from Monday to Friday! Dx And since I also have classes that last until 6 PM the whole week through (except Fridays), I'll have to stay at the college campus for 10 hours straight! *Mega groan*
    But at least have big breaks in between classes when I made my class schedule (30 minutes to 4 1/2 hours max), so those give me time to relax and/or catch up. *Phew!*
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