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  • List of Similarities Addition

    7) We're both gullible (recently, though, I've been able to spot a few jokes that come out of the mouths of my friends, but I still get fooled sometimes).
    8) We both have parents who joke around with a serious tone of voice.
    9) (How can I forget this...?) We both love puzzles! 8D

    Anyway, with college coming up, I gotta sleep earlier now. D8 I mean, if I want to get to school on time, I have to wake up at 5 AM! *Sighs* Oh well, gotta start practicing.

    Night, Blazie. Don't let the lawnmowers bites. ;D (And I'll get to work on that pic for you when I have the time).
    My muse has a personality of its own— my creative personality to be precise. When I want something creative done, I let my muse take control of my body to do all the, thus I become a different person who is wiser in addition to being knowledgeable, and in truth, it is he who does my work. Ultimately, however, it is I who had done the work since my muse is just another part of my mind.

    Yes, I am unique in a weird fashion, FEAR ME! ^w^
    (And yeah, sarcasm is hard to spot. :/ I can't count how many times I took the sarcasm of my friends plus my sister seriously. XD)
    It's the name I gave to my artistic muse whom I shall later create- er, draw a body for him to occupy.

    ...Yes, I'm slightly demented in the head. I believe I have a split personality, but I don't show it much. =P
    Lineless art: it is art with no lines (a good example would be this pic). Though I might decide against it later if I don't think it looks good.

    Anyway, once I'm done with the picture, I may or may not post it here due to certain restrictions set on this site. Instead, I'll be posting it in my new deviantArt account which I just made today! ^w^ However, I go by a different name over there just you know.

    Click here to access my deviantArt page.
    It has been on my mind for a while now and as you know I'm also a sucker for romance. ^^ Maybe I'll practice on lineless art for this picture...
    Hmm... I've been thinking of drawing Dawn and Fen together for a while now but I just can't seem to figure out how. Should they either be back to back blushing or should they stare into each others' eyes all romantically?
    How about a character that's unique and realistic? It is best to create characters who people can relate to.
    Well, make her sound... unique.

    ...Um, that's pretty much all the advice I can give at the moment; I'm no expert at writing, let alone characterizing.
    Characters are just as important as the plot itself. If the characters are too plain and/or unrealistic it will surely drive people away.

    You changed the title? Since when? O_o
    It's taking long; I'm also writing a short description of each major character to appear, plus I decided not to reveal all surprises in case I ever feel like updating again. There's a lot I have to say about each character though. =P
    I just searched Wikipedia to see the difference.

    To quote for the ripple effect since I can't explain it any easier, "...is a term used to describe a situation where, like the ever expanding ripples across water when an object is dropped into it, an effect from an initial state can be followed outwards incrementally."

    As for the butterfly effect, it more or less looks into how a slight difference in the initial condition can cause a large variation. (In other words, it's the result of the ripple effect, but that's how I see it; I'm not so sure about this myself. =S)

    For a better understanding, check out these links:
    Ripple effect? I thought it was called the butterfly effect. =S Or are they the same thing? Or are they different? *Is confuzzled*
    And it's the most you've ever written in our entire conversation- both through here and FF.net- last I checked. 0_0

    I agree that your first theory has a lot of flaws to it (and yes, I don't watch Lost). For instance, if you alter the past, wouldn't your memories be altered as well? In most medias, the character can recall the events two times- one being altered, the other being original. In my opinion, the fact that one remembers the same past events twice is a time paradox itself, which would make said person the paradox itself! In other words, everybody recalls the past once but you can recall it twice with and without the alterations made to them, and... and.... ARGH! I can't explain it properly, it's all so confusing in my head! ;~;

    The second, however, I can see where you're going at. If the event has happened in the past, it will stay that way and the future is left unchanged. That means your presence in the past was to be expected; the end result will always be the same whether you fix it or not. In other words, the flow of time is set in stone and can't be altered.

    Hmm, I'm pretty sure I'm just repeating what you just said. -_- Either way, I have no clue what say about this except that the first theory confuses me the most with it flaws and paradoxes. (And even if we do change the past for the better future, we have no clue what's in store for us once we return there).
    I forgot to mention, there's also gonna be character descriptions plus all the surprises I had planned to be written out along with the plot summary.

    So while I write it out, what should we chat about to pass the time? :3 Your turn this time!
    I'll send the plot summary by PM; what I'm going to type is going to be pretty big.
    Well, I just say it's a pain in the arse to do something you don't want to do. It makes my head hurt and, knowing me, it consumes a lot of my valuable leisure time (not like it's really valuable in the first place. XD). But at least there's a nice reward at the end of all of it, so I guess it's not too bad. =P

    I'm sure you'll be able to get through it all. Just don't let all those activities consume a lot your leisure time.

    *Sighs* Tales of Acceptance is pretty much dead now. With real life taking its toll on me, I can't seem to continue the story. I almost had everything planned out and it was just a matter of putting sense into it.
    ...Would you like to know the plot of the story?
    That's true, but still, I'm less social in real life than I am on the Net and I just had to laugh. XD Sorry if you took that the wrong way.

    I'm lazy, too, but when I write stuff up, my burst of wisdom comes... naturally. I guess that's mainly the reason why I don't like writing English assignments; most of the time you're forced to be a wise and come up with meaningful/symbolic statements to support/defend your views and opinions. I don't want to express my wisdom because I have to, I want to express it because I want to. But I digress.

    Anyway, I also prefer to keep things simple mainly because I have trouble keeping track of what I say sometimes and everything else just seems so complex, like... like... the process of getting a job! ;~; (Well, to me it's complicated considering I'm more anti-social in real life).

    Lastly, if you're not sure what you're saying... well, my advice: stop and look/think it over for a minute or two. Sure, it's time consuming but it helps!
    Huh, I never felt that 'be careful what you wish for' vibe when I watched the video. =P Then again, I had to relate it to the essential question at the time and that sort of vibe wouldn't really work out.
    Okay, maybe saying 'a lot' is too much. (I don't read much unless the details are crudely written in addition to being short and to the point, and/or if I really like the story in general, like srgeman's fic "A Little Night Music"). But we do have things in common: 1) We like math; 2) We're musicians; 3) We have weird friends; 4) We both love Pokemon and Detective Conan/Case Closed; 5) We take most things at face value unless the situation calls for it (well, that's me, I'm not sure about you); 6) We're both suckers for romance.... And that's how much I can find a similarity between us.

    But me? Social? Used in the same sentence? Maybe on the Net but in real life.... XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
    Anyway, age has nothing to do with me being wise (not that I really am in the first place; I'm only stating my thoughts and theories). We gain knowledge and wisdom over time and it is our decision on how we use it. You don't have to be an adult to be wise. For instance, you can still be, oh say, an eleven year old kid and have as much wisdom or more than what a seventeen year old has.
    In my case, once you get me started on something I just burst out stuff and try to make my statements as symbolic as possible. (In my opinion, the more symbolic my statements are, the more significant the meaning of the message/idea I'm trying to convey is).
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