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  • I heard of this method in which you can literally stop your pulse if only momentarily, but I'm not sure if it actually works for real.

    Love jealousy perhaps? Meh, I don't know. *Shrugs* But to me, it's the most plausible reason for him to hate Akai.
    And also, I'm pretty much the same way when playing games or reading a book. However, when the situation calls for it or if I'm in the mood for it, I can be pretty good at analyzing things in between the lines, like what I did for that video, Pencil Face. (That was pretty fun to analyze, actually, despite it being a part of my final English exam).

    ...Is it just me or do we have a lot in common?
    I know what you mean. D: But if the body wasn't his, how did its fingerprints match Akai's prints on Conan's cellphone, which he touched a while back? Again, I think he let himself get injured by the flames so nobody would suspect that he was still alive. To further support the fact he was successfully "killed", he may have also purposely left his right hand unburnt and if somebody were to check his fingerprints, then his "death" would be genuine.

    Funny, I find Okiya's sinister grins and stares... mysterious. And I still stand by the fact that he was jealous of Akai for being the boyfriend of Haibara's older sister. I mean, why else would he hate Akai with a passion I ask you?
    I know what you mean. D: But if the body wasn't his, how did its fingerprints match Akai's prints on Conan's cellphone, which he touched a while back? Again, I think he let himself get injured by the flames so nobody would suspect that he was still alive. To further support the fact he was successfully "killed", he may have also purposely left his right hand unburnt and if somebody were to check his fingerprints, then his "death" would be genuine.

    Funny, I find Okiya's sinister grins and stares... mysterious. And I still stand by the fact that he was jealous of Akai for being the boyfriend of Haibara's older sister. I mean, why else would he hate Akai with a passion I ask you?
    My opinion? I honestly think he is the real Akai. There is no way he could've died that easily at Raiha Pass. XP

    Perhaps he purposely let the flames burn him so that his "death" would look authentic and he somehow found a way to get out of it (which would explain the scar on his face). Later, he went into hiding and is currently avoiding Jodie and everybody else who recognizes so that the BO won't find him out and kill Kir a.k.a Rena Mizunashi. Considering he was also a member of the BO at one point, he should know what kind of tactics to expect from them.

    Speaking of the BO, it is implied that Okiya is Bourbon, who happens to be searching for Haibara, and he apparently hates Akai with a passion. What do you make of that? Personally, I think Bourbon is jealous of Akai for being the boyfriend of Haibara's older sister.
    I guess you can say that. However, be aware that the words you see on screen are just that: words. You can't possibly know how the other person is truly feeling on the other side unless you meet them in real life. =P

    I'm still a bit depress, but that's all the more reason to become a better person. Am I right? But the journey is gonna hard and it doesn't help much when I'm a very sensitive person (another reason to change myself, too). I can't possibly do this alone, I realize that now. I need all the help I can get, but I've just been too stubborn and/or scared to actually call for the aid. Will you help though, Blazie?
    I'm sure she's fully aware that he's just joking around. Besides, according to my teacher when he was being sincere instead of evil like he usually is, they both love each other a lot.

    Anyway, I'm not sad anymore, it's been resolved. In fact, I've made so many realizations for resolving it. If you're still curious, I got one of my best friends on this site angry at me because I didn't understand the pain she was experiencing. She had the right to be angry at me though; I don't have cancer, so I had absolutely no idea what the feeling is like and my advice wasn't helping at all. We made up later, and because of her advice, I'm now gonna strive to become a better person and stop feeling hurt on the inside.

    (Just so you know, I really was in a state of depression. Actually, I've been in a gloomy mood for so long now, but I'm gonna change that. I'm gonna toughen up and become a better person, for her, you and my other friends).
    That guy who in his thirties... huh, it sounds like my math/physics teacher, except he keeps jokingly talk about how he plans to kill his wife (and what's more his wife knows about it. XD).

    *Sighs* Normally I would add more to the discussion but... I'm feeling sad at the moment...
    If Social Studies in general is basically that, then I think I could say I took a class of it. In my class, though, the teacher was really enthusiastic of the subject; one time, he dressed up as Canada's first prime minister, John A. MacDonald, and even made let us reenact a court scene plus a debate session like the ones you see on TV. He's an awesome teacher (and a really tall one, too!) but the problem with him is he's drags on a lot during his lectures to the point of falling asleep in class (somebody actually brought a pillow to class once. XD). But the good news is you learn a lot from him, so everything's cool. ^w^

    Now that I've brought up teachers into the conversation, any cool/weird/awful teachers at your school? :3
    I've never taken a Social Studies class in my life as far as I'm aware of. Or maybe I did but if that is so, then I vaguely remember what the class is about.

    Yeah, algebra is like that sometimes. =P

    Anyway, I like math (duh!), music, art, drama and anything that is science related (especially chemistry, despite the fact I found my class annoying due to piles of labs and vague information given by the teacher). The two subjects I don't like are French and politics (mainly because they're the only two subjects I have the most difficulty understanding. X|)
    I love math. =D Mainly for the thrill as well as the challenge added to it. Math is also knowing how to manipulate formulas and whatnot to find the correct solution (and that's why I mostly love algebra. =D). The only part I hate about it is misreading the question and then all my calculations go wrong or are inaccurate. =/

    However, there are numerous formulas that you have to remember, such as the quadratic formula which is really helpful when solving quadratic equations (a polynomial equation of the second degree).
    ...On second thought, scratch that, don't memorize any equations/formulas, you'll most likely forget about them. Instead, understand and learn them, that way you'll remember them by heart.
    I'm surprised at myself for being able to type that up. 0_0 I don't usually express that kind of wisdom unless I'm in the mood for it.

    And like I said, it's all about time management; manage wisely and it won't be so overwhelming (I hope I can fit myself into a math club or something while I'm at it). On another note, you got time to think it over.

    Hmm... what's there to talk about now? =S
    There were two courses in Humanities that I wanted to take: that course or the "Animals and Humans" one but due to time conflicts I had to take say "SAY WHAT!?" instead (I'm still happy about that choice though. :D)

    Moving on, I don't think the courses are too complex and/or hard. The workload is large, according to what I've heard, but who's to tell what happens? For all we know the workload could be little and perhaps even easy (but, of course, you have to put in a lot of hard effort, that I do know for sure). The teachers you get are another factor to your survival as well (I think). Anyway, you really have to experience the college life to determine whether or not you'll survive but I'm in no position to say that since I'm not actually in yet. It's normal to feel scared of college; I mean I still am frighten of the idea of attending but after going to the College Prep Day, I feel a bit more confident.

    From what I see, it is all about time management. The school you're going to right now is an artificial environment of the world you see around you, whereas college is the first step into entering the real world, a real environment, and in the real world, you need the time to set your plans into action to achieve your goals & ambitions. For you, as of present, you have the time to think of what you want to pursue. The school you go to and college itself are both completely different from one another (for example, you have to write up essays in physical education classes), so use the time you have now wisely.

    ... Whoa, did I type that up? O_o
    And people in my area complain about it. XD Anyway, SAY WHAT!? is a Humanties course in the Knowledge block. Look, I'll just copy/paste the course description:

    "In this course we will explore some of the ways in which talk, received and delivered, can both control and empower us. The aim of this course is to gain a broader understanding of how knowledge is transmitted through the socially constructed usage of words. The prime focus of this course will be to initially examine how speaking and hearing (understanding) are plastic knowledge bases. We will discover how the lyrics of Rap, Reggae and Rai music for example, stretch and invert language to produce new meaning. There will be an exploration of genderlects: male/female communication and miscommunication, as well as a survey of how vocabulary is carefully chosen to promote social status, advertising and even organ harvesting. If knowledge is power, I invite you to come and participate in the process of learning about the influence of words."
    If such a school exists, they'd definitely need to play the Mortal Kombat theme. XD

    On a different note, YES! I have finally completed my course schedule for college! :3 To be honest, making the schedule was kind of fun; it was sorta like Tetris.
    One of the courses I'll be taking is called, "SAY WHAT!?". (No, really, that's the course's name!) It looks cool in my opinion. ^w^
    Iknowright? :( And don't get me envious; you wouldn't like me when I'm envious 'cause then I'll do... stuff... and whatnot. =P

    But remember, "looks can be deceiving". Even if the game looks nice, it'd be a bad game if the gameplay was downgraded instead.
    Anyway, having to fight your friends because of a war and you're in different factions has gotta suck bad. DX I wonder what that would be like...?
    Hello. Interested in a beldum, of any nature you might want, or a bagon(any gender)
    for an uncommon berry(in D/P/Pt per Wi-Fi if you have it.).
    By uncommon I mean one of these damage lowering berries/sitrus berry.
    Lucky. -_- If my orthodontist doesn't remove my braces before this coming October it'll officially be four years since I had them. DX

    And no, no, you can keep going; learning what the game's about is interesting enough. :D

    Listen, when conversing with me, I don't care what the subject is, even if I have no clue what it is. We could talk about writings, food, books, movies, art, sleeping hours, air purifiers, fast-food restaurants, puberty, communication skills, sex, porn... and the list goes on and on. Overall, I like talking with people about random stuff.
    Since you've never heard of Ender's Game, I guess I'll just tell you about it:

    Ender's Game is a science-fiction novel written by Orson Scott Card. It is set in Earth's future, where a large unknown alien race called Formics (often referred to as "Buggers") nearly wipes out humanity. In preparation for an anticipated thrid invasion, humankind enters a shaky alliance to combat the Buggers with the formation of an international military unit, the International Fleet (IF). The IF maintains a school/training center known as the Battle School to find and train future fleet commanders, these commanders being the world's most talented children taken away from their families at a very young age. One of these children is the protagonist, Andrew "Ender" Wiggin, and at the Battle School, the place where teachers train the kids in the arts of war through increasingly difficult games including ones undertaken in zero gravity in the Battle Room, is where Ender's tactical genius is revealed.

    I think you'll like this book since you like sci-fi; surprisingly, I liked it and I don't read books let alone sci-fi. O_o

    Ouch. :( I know what you mean. At my orthodontist, there was a new person working there who treated me and, being inexperienced, she did the same thing (except my appointment lasted for an hour and a few extra minutes because they had to replace one of the braces in my teeth).
    When did you get your braces? I got mine when I was your age and they were supposed to taken out LAST year. -_-
    Unfortunately for you, your plan is ineffective against me since it's an RTS kind of game and I'm turned off by them (but learning about it is nice). If it was an RPG though... XD

    Oooooh! :O Nice visuals. So basically your task in the game is to end the infinite war. But the plot just seems so... redundant to me. And it also sort of reminds me of Ender's Game (it's a book in case you didn't know).
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