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  • I said 'sort of'; some of them like sci-fi stuff and whatnot but they're not tomboys in the least. =P

    The future and high-tech stuff are cool, but if you add giant robots into the mix then I'm walking away. Giant robots have never appealed to me but I dunno why though. =S I guess they just seem... too clunky in my eyes for my liking. Though there are a few exceptions but I'm too lazy to name them at the moment. =P
    Wow. O_o You sort of resemble my friends in real life, most of whom are girls.

    Anyway, I guess I love RPGs for the visuals; it's just so... mystical to look at. =D
    Wow, I never expected you to be the type of girl who's into war games. O_O

    Anyway, I don't play RTS games; they bore me and don't appeal to me much (mostly because it's about war and whatnot). I prefer playing RPG's like Pokémon, Final Fantasy, Tales, Chrono Trigger, etc. etc. You know, turned-based games where you take control of the main character.
    Yes, expect writing that kind of lab report in the near future. (Though it may be a bit different for you when the time comes).

    The idea itself to me is... kind of disturbing yet intriguing. Seeing it portrayed in literature is fine by me; the thought of seeing a human and an animal together is cute in its own sense. However, it's weird if you look at it with your own two eyes in real life. But who are we to judge the mentality of a person? Love is love, right? (Then again, humans are unable to communicate with animals, so there's no telling if it's just false love).
    You played your part very well I'll tell you that. ;J But still, "we will all KILL you" pretty much scared me. XD To conclude, my experiment was a success. Heck, I even created a lab report on it. XD Just search my visitor messages and you'll find it.

    Anyway, I shall copy/paste the following message from a PM at FF.net I sent you in hopes of bringing up a discussion between us (and in case you haven't read it yet):

    While at the city, I had this strange dream: in the dream, I bought a dog and fell in LOVE with it, with kisses and everything. And it was so vivid. O_o I'm deeply sorry for bringing up such an image but I had the urge to tell somebody about it. But it brought up an interesting topic (to me at least) to talk about if we haven't talked about it already: what are your views on human-to-animal relationships in general? (Think of it as humanXPokemon shipping).
    Heh, oh well. Guess I couldn't keep up the charade after all. Their reactions were starting to scare me. O_O Your "reaction" freaked me out a bit, too...
    And there you have my first RP posts~ I'll find a few so we can laugh at them together, sooner or later. :3
    Yep, most of my old characters were Valkyrie or Vai.

    Still are. I go back to see how much I've improved, and it embarrasses me >_>
    That made me go lolwut. RPs aren't normally like this, if you want to check the old ones.

    But don't look too far back or you'll see my fails when I first started RPing :<

    Nonono I can upload stuff and post stuff, I can't watch videos on Youtube 'til next month, or I'll have to pay $5 :<
    Makes me sad, so I'm gonna get that RP up once some RPs are gone, or we don't have an influx of new RPs. Popularity and all.

    It's actually copy/save as, so yeah, copy pasting causes a kind of scroll bar paaaanic. Watching stuff on Youtube is out 'cause that would mean 'sending information through the modem' but what am I doing now? :DD
    Grammar and writing, actually, and again, grammar and writing. :<

    No, no I haven't. :< I'd go watch it, only I've abused my poor modem and router and don't want to push it. Apparently copy/pasting counts as downloading stuff, so..
    Grammar and writing, actually, and again, grammar and writing. :<

    No, no I haven't. :< I'd go watch it, only I've abused my poor modem and router and don't want to push it. Apparently copy/pasting counts as downloading stuff, so..
    Nooo actually I'll quote it for you later if I remember :< The getting captured part was interesting, actually.

    You'll have to FIND it first, and EBAY is preset to -12435 FINDING, so good luck~

    Well, maybe we should just be EPIC WIN (+32523 ego, +1234231352 invincibility, +3249281y147342340327532 skillz) instead~
    There's also FMC's baby Pokemon RP, and yeah. I've actually died a bit inside from the last few pages of As Darkness Falls, if you want to go take a look and see why :<

    What about AIR powered FLAMING JETPACKS (+5 speed, attribute: DESTRUCTION), they're a bit harder to find, but we only need two and a possible replacement one. Huh? :3

    Alright, we can buy one off the MAGIC link on EBAY, since they apparently have everything. We won;t be affected by it since we're so awesome~

    Or is that AWESOME (+5 ego)?
    I got an idea for one from talking to myself last night *shot*

    I actually didn't talk to myself, but I do have an idea for an RP. Might put it up later, once I type it up n' all.

    Alright, yellow flaming parachutes with lime green NEON tiger stripes, I'll go order those. Stay here a second *runs off*

    *is back* Alright, I'm already a wizard, so I can possibly persuade a cloud to make it rain wherever we want :3 And to be solid, so we can build on it~

    Why don't we get SUSHI powered JET PACKS (+3 speed) of INVINCIBILITY while we're at it?
    imo, there's like.. three RPs that are alive right now. I'd make one, but I'm overloaded in ASB already >_>

    And yes. We haven't. :< Alright, the Bat Cave (+mansion +Batmobile) will be.. neon purple. And will be on top of a cloud that we control with MACIKG

    It'll be neon purple so everyone will see it, and wonder how the hell we built a namsion on a cloud. And since it's a cloud, we'll drop out of the basement in epic parachutes, with AURA SHOTGUNS and MOTORCYCLES
    So how does it feel to be in a retardedly fast paced RP along with (a few?) regular ones? :D
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