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  • Nice to talk with you.

    I have to go under the shower for 10 minutes in 5 minutes.

    It seems the certain staraptor's owner left the forums for today.

    That happens to be Super Paper Mario. Story-wise, it was great but gameplay... meh, I still slightly prefer the turned-base system in the series (and something else was lacking in SPM that didn't make it feel like a Paper Mario game).
    Heh, the cut-scene before fighting Francis is hilarious!
    It's called "Treasure Expedition", starring the partners from the Paper Mario series (excluding Super Paper Mario since all the partners were pixls). I'm pretty sure you could figure out the basic plot just by reading the title alone (but just in case, it's about Mario's friends and enemies going on a treasure hunt and chaos ensues!). It was my first attempt at writing something humorous but I believed I failed at it the first, and now I'm thinking of reviving it. If I do happen to revive the story, though, it may or may not include Mario. That I've yet to decide.
    Harvest Moon fanfic, eh?
    Speaking of fanfics, I'm considering whether or not I should repost and revamp the first story I posted at FF.net. It was a Paper Mario fanfic by the way.
    What I do to add in hyperlinks is highlight the word, click the hyperlink icon and put in the url of the site.

    Or you can do it the long way by typing up link in BB Code as such: [*URL="(insert link)"](Insert text)[/URL*]. Just remove the asterisks and insert the link/text in the provided spaces.
    (Or you can just copy the url then paste it. For instace, http://www.google.ca/ , and it'll automatically hyperlink it)
    Well, at least I know enough to barely pass the class. Now that I'm going to college, I wonder what's going to happen...?

    Well, the mystery game is set in the period of Jack the Ripper, which already itself is scary. And as fun as the mystery one looks like, I'd rather go on the Treasure Hunter game, period.

    And were you trying to italicize, "Without Noah's Ark"? You know, there are options to bold words as well as italicize or underline them. You can even add hyperlinks or even insert an image, such as:
    The language in my community is mostly French, which I still have trouble with. -_-;;

    That's exactly what I thought, too, and yet I still found the game cool! I wanna play it now (uh, without Noah's Ark though. =P).
    My parents are immigrants from the Philippines and they decided to move to Canada because they felt like. A year later I was born, thus making me a Filipino Canadian. But alas, I can't even speak or understand a word of my country's native language; I should be ashamed. :<

    Phantom of Baker Street... ah, yes, that Conan movie. I was surprised by the proper English in that one instead of the usual Engrish within the series. And yeah, it was sort of freaky; I mean, if you die in the game... well, it's game over and everybody who participated in the game dies. O_O *Gulps*

    I never saw Terminator 2 nor the first Terminator; the only one I saw was the third Terminator obviously.
    My parents are also fine with it, they just have this habit of commenting on stuff that I do. Too bad I can't understand a word they're saying, though, since they speak in their native tongue when they speak to each other.

    Did I ever tell you I was Asian? :3
    And that is why I don't let anybody I know in real life learn that I go on these forums; I would die of embarrassment and all the comments they give. :( (My family thinks Pokemon is for babies).
    Well, then, you gotta learn how to improvise. Life is like a play: there are times where things don't go as written in the script and so then you have to make use of the current situation.

    Looks like you and I are the same in that field; I don't like letting other people I know look at my work since they just so happen to comment on it all the time. -_-;; It's really annoying...
    Uh, actually, I aced the project. =P

    I'm pretty sure you'll get extra marks for being creative when it comes to visual projects. For example, I did a project on acid rain, so I cut up my poster board to resemble a rain cloud, with the rain and everything. ^w^

    When it comes to written projects though... I can never seem to finish them early. O.o
    And the worst part is, he got the same mark as me. -_-;;
    Anyway, You lazy person, you, letting everybody else do the work instead. =P

    Too lazy. =P I hate writing explanations; I can't seem to word it right.
    Compared to the PMs on FF.net, that wasn't a long post. O.o

    Anyway, you should try meeting new people on here, for your sake. Why not try chatting with the people in my Friend list for starters? :3

    I also don't like working in groups at school; my teammates make me do all the work. -_-;; Like this one time, I paired up with this guy for a science fair project and I ended up doing everything while he drank the experiment. :< The only thing he helped me with was coming up with a project idea.

    Also, that's a good idea, writing up the chapters beforehand. I should do that... whenever I'm not feeling lazy. =P Good luck writing it up! I would like to read it soon. ^^
    I repeat, trying is better than doing nothing, you know what I mean?
    Sorry if I sound like I'm pressuring you to introduce yourself to new people, but from what I see, you seem... lonely.
    I've yet to actually study for it. -_-;; I'm too lazzzzzzzzzzzzzy...

    But enough about what I'm doing. I've noticed that I'm the only one you chat on here with. O.o
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