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  • "...but it's (I find that an article is required here) really, really quiet..."
    "I totally love simply (omit) singing (article) background to it!"
    "...(which took my friend, who has good endurance, 15 minutes)... alternate running, push-ups and sit-ups."
    "I've stopped writing in order (...to what? This is vague) and am now writing what I want to write first. Hopefully this will inspires (takes out) me to write some of the more boring stuff, so I get out the big, dramatic half of what will probably be the fourteenth chapter."
    You procrastinator you. XD

    Uh, I enjoyed the choreography, although I have to admit that it is sort of odd.

    Yeah, 'cracked' was too strong of a word in this case. A good usage of the word, in my opinion, would have to be in a situation such as this. XD

    Aw, I want those brownies. =( And you think 70 minutes of Gym is torture? Try two hours non-stop, including the warm-ups and no water break. X.X And then there's an essay I'll have to write up for the class as well (not now luckily but soon).

    HOORAYZ! ^w^ Good for you.
    And speaking of spoiling, it is just as I thought: I can't even finish the document with the spoilers for "Tales of Acceptance". X_X Maybe I'll just hold onto it for the time being; there's a possibility that I might revive it from the dead for the third time. =/
    Hey there! I'm typing this up in college. OwO Unfortunately, one of my favorite classes (Intro. to Programming) got canceled and here I am passing the time writing this message when I should be studying for my upcoming French and English test. What is wrong with me? I get distracted too easily. xD
    Anyway, moving along....
    Wow, that sounded awesome! OwO

    When I read something like, "(Person) cracks...", I have a tendency to see said person go mad and rip their hair out. xD But you still answered my question, so... yeah.

    So... How's high school going for you so far? :3 How are your classes?
    ...Hmm, interesting... 8J

    Hi to you, too. ^^ Anyway, Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat... I've heard the name of that musical before but that's about it unfortunately. Since I am a curious kind of guy, what is it? (Yes, I hear about a lot of things but never feel the urge or I'm just too lazy to go research it. X3).

    XD What exactly did you do to get that position?
    It's alright, I grant you permission to slap me. (I may even include that in the pic if I ever feel the need to make it. XD). But how you wrote it down made it so tempting for me to comment in such a manner. XDDDDD

    And I don't mean to weird you out or anything when I ask this but it's just a thought: if you were given the chance to kiss a Grovyle for real (though it does not necessarily have to be mouth to mouth), would you? :3
    Well, it is a carpet. Hmm, I wonder how they're gonna ride on it? XD

    Well, I started my education when I was five years old, starting in kindergarten then proceeding to go through grades 1 to 11. Does that answer your question? :3

    Which reminds me... it has been a long time since I last went on FF.net to read some Pokéfics. I wonder what's new there? *Goes to check*

    EDIT:...It has been a while since I read your profile page. Now that I've look at it, I noticed you updated your favourites and what's more is that you bolded and CAITALIZED Grovyle. Heh heh heh. :J Noticing that, I now feel tempted to draw you (as your Pokésona) and Grovyle, sitting in a tree, K-I-S- *shot* XDDDDDD
    (I don't mean to pick on you or anything, Blazie, but I like to ship people together. :3)
    Well then, make more mistakes! XD Just kidding. Whether I get the extra practice or not, I'm confident that my proofreading skills are good enough to pass the class. ;D Speaking of which: "...theater group, (omit comma) because they take... There's (subject-verb agreement; subject = people, verb = are) suddenly a lot of new people, but all of the...."

    The carpet? How does that work out? O_o

    There is no grade 12 at my high school; it is only up to grade 11. Also, my school's band consists of grade 9's, 10's and 11's and our music is not hard at all. "Curtains" music, on the other hand, is freakishly difficult to play (too many runs in one measure. -.-;;)! So... yeah, the notes were kind of mashed together all wrong you could say. X3

    And thanks! I'm currently obsessed over Professor Layton after watching the trailer to the fourth game in the series (which happens to be a prequel to the series, taking place three years before the events of Curious Village and revealing how Layton met Luke). In fact, I even made a Professor Layton thread here.
    However, I feel bad for spoiling myself a bit of the third game while searching for trailer links to put up. =( As a result, now I understand why Don Paolo has a grudge against Layton.
    It's okay, Blazie. If you're annoyed by my corrections to your messages, I'll stop; I don't want to be an annoyance to you. =/ But luckily for you, I don't see any notable mistakes in your last message.

    Well then, better luck next time. ;D There's still Aladdin for you to try out for, though, so good luck with that one instead.

    Oh yes, harmony. During my school's production of Curtains harmony was something we— and by "we" I mean the orchestra and actors/actresses— really had to work on. Without the music playing during the early stages of the production, the males singers sounded like drawling zombies (in other words, just plain horrid). X_X
    Unfortunately (do you feel unfortunate that you got the cast list or the fact you were not in the list? If it is the latter case, I suggest placing the word at the end of this sentence) I got the cast list today which showed (this sounds better if you ask me) most of the talking/main parts, and I wasn't on it. During rehearsal, (adding a transitional word here, such as "however" or "though", seems appropriate), we get to figure out who the bums and the apple sellers and dancing housewives and stuff are; none of them are in the script, (a transitional word seems appropriate here, too), so I don't know what they do, (omit comma) but… Anyway, the show has good music, and the harmony part is a third up (unless this was an abbreviation, please explain), so I can be in harmony and sing soprano at the same time! =3

    ^Looks like I'm done proofreading this paragraph of your message to the best of my abilities. If something seems wrong with my corrections, please point them out. I'm fairly new to careful proofreading, so any corrections to my efforts would be helpful.
    Also, concerning the passage in italics... did you have the rehearsal already (past) or will you be having it later on (future)? In either case, you will have to change the tense. Since you're listing background cast members in that sentence, too, you should rephrase it and avoid repeating the word "and" in the list.

    //End of corrections & additional comments
    I'll go watch it as soon as YouTube stops hating me today. ;~; And sorry to hear that you didn't make the main cast list. Speaking of cast members, I'm pretty sure the bums, apple vendors, dancing housewives and other characters will serve as a background; to put it another way, they will just be standing there (or loitering as I see it) as a part of the setting and will occasionally have to sing if their presence is required. =P
    Me and my messages. -.-;; As much as I would like to reply to you ASAP, my responses take too long to type up and I have college to study for (so far so good but it's killing my time). So yeah, I should probably shorten the quantity for you to respond to so I could proofread a smaller amount of text but as you know I have a tendency to write long messages when chatting with you. Then again, I could decide not to correct you; your grammar looks fine as is already (and you're MY beta reader, so... yeah. =P). However, I should note this:

    "...and corrects it unconsciously, (I find that a conjunction is necessary here) not in a way that I can remember to write it down."
    So in short, introverts are loners and extroverts are out-going? If that's the case, then I'm an introvert in real life. XP
    You're welcome. ;D And speaking of renovations, my family renovated the basement and transformed it into a mini bar. Well, not really a mini bar per se but it has a counter that makes the room sort of like one. Also, we even transformed a closet into a bathroom. The first time around, however, it ended up causing a flood in the basement due to improper piping arrangement. The piping arrangement was mostly my fault unfortunately. ^^;;
    Ooh, man-eating plants. I gotta see that movie someday! 8D
    And if I ever lived in BC, I might go and see it— note 'might'. It has been a while since I last saw a play of any sorts and it would be nice to see something not on television. =P
    Meh, I'm used to it. It's the eyes that makes others assume I'm Chinese (if you look at my photos when I was less than 6 years old, you could say I'm really of Chinese descent. O_O). On the other hand they are somewhat correct, since I'm part Chinese, too.
    W000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000t!!!!!! ^w^

    I finally finished "Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box"! (The main story anyway; I still have to find 4 more puzzles out of the 138 set into the main game, though. >.>).

    I got two things to say:
    1) W00t! EPIC SWORDFIGHT!; and
    2) Such a sweet story. *Sniffs* The ending was enough to get me to shed actual tears, which is a good sign that I like this game very much!

    Obviously I'm not gonna spoil the game for you. I'll just let you see the ending for yourself to see what I mean whenever you get a hold of the game.
    O-On second thought, I think I'll correct your grammar and spelling in your next message. You see, I'm working on improving my proofreading skill because it is an essential skill to pass my SAY WHAT?! class. Your previous message is too long to correct and I don't feel like correcting long messages yet (in other words, I'm gonna be lazy when it comes to long messages. =P). That's bad of me to do if I'm intent on improving the aforementioned skill, but I don't have the time to work too long on the message. >.< Maybe I'll just correct certain sections of the message instead of the whole thing itself next time.
    Thank you for giving the definition of "belated". Now comes a new question: what does "introverted" mean? =S (Yeah, I don't know a lot of words. =P).

    Don't worry about it, I believe in you (wow, that sounds corny if you ask me). I know people who pretty much did the same stuff you did and they still managed to get through the school year. If they can do it, why can't you? ;D

    Little Shop of Horrors sounds familiar; I think I may have seen it before but I'm not so sure. Could you give a brief description please?
    And yes, Aladdin, one of my favorite Disney movies. =D Hope you do a great job with it! When are you gonna start performing it?

    Everybody at my school— including the staff members— mistake me for either a Chinese, Cambodian or Vietnamese person (but mostly Chinese because of the eyes). Well, they're all wrong; I'm actually Filippino people! (It's a shame that I lost the knowledge of speaking my country's native tongue, which is Tagalog. Then again, I never had that knowledge in the first place. =P).
    Late reply is late, but I got homework and, apparently, a lot of things to improve on. I realized that I need a lot more help than what I first thought. ;~; Learning how to take better notes in class is one factor; looking deeper in between the lines of texts and thinking "ideas" rather than "things"; and I realized that my vocabulary is REALLY weak for college. (What does the word "belated" mean by any chance?).
    As a result, I'm going to pull all the stops to develop my mind and become even better than before. How I'm going to do this may annoy you and cause me to take ages to reply to your messages but it is for my benefit and possibly for your benefit, too. You'll see what I'll do the next time you reply.

    Moving on...
    I agree, waiting in line just to take a single photo is a pain in the butt. The last time I waited in line on picture day was in high school, and just as it was my turn to take my picture, one of the supervisors mistook me for another kid and she thought I cut in line. I tried reasoning with her, which proved to be futile, and in the end I had to go to the back of the line of around 80 people. >.<

    Okay, maybe I am biased but it's your user name that made me come up with the suggestion. =P Anyway, I would say that a Pokésona would have to be a Pokémon that can represent your personality. Then again, all Pokémon can represent you but each one has a special feature which you can probably relate to. You can make your Pokésona be your favorite Pokémon, too, if you want (I think).
    You get used to it, don't worry about it. =P And I see nothing wrong with picture day....
    *Stares all lovingly at the photo of myself from high school* I am such a narcissist...

    Exactly. What Pokémon would it be and how would it look like? Honestly, I could see you as a Riolu with a few Torchic features (guess why I see you as such. =J ).
    Oh yes, I doubt anyone here would understand the physics I'm doing... It's a pity, because then I can't ask anyone to help me on a problem ;) Then again, I may be the oldest active member of the board, I dunno.

    Well, it's been such a long time since I last took a school bus like that, so I don't really have anything to say, except I'm sure that'll go away as you do it more often. Eventually, you'll be able to drive yourself, and that'll be cool. And if you like math, well, math was my first subject, and I've always been one of the best of my age groups at it. So if you get stuck somewhere, or if you want to look ahead past what the school's teaching ya sometime, just ask and we can talk.
    Thank the Gods that it doesn't exist in real life. *Phew!*

    Maybe I'll look into that series whenever I feel interested (of course I won't read it since, you know, I don't read much and college work is enough to read from anyway. -.-).

    If you were to have a Pokésona, how would you picture it? :3 *Whistles*
    Ah, high school, cool.

    I'm back to school after the long weekend, but I've pretty much been going to my university through the summer, doing research in physics.
    Battle Royale (バトル・ロワイアル, Batoru Rowaiaru) is a 1999 Japanese novel written by Koushun Takami. Click here for more info on the novel. The idea sort of scares me to be honest.

    Anyway, I would LOVE to join the Hamburger Games— you know, the ones where you eat food, not fight each other to death. >.> Nevertheless, the idea sounds awesome— as a story element mind you (it seems a bit scary in my opinion. =/). But is there any specific reason as to why the series is called "Hunger Games"?
    For a second there, I read the word "Hunger" as "Hamburger" instead. XD Anyway, this sort of sounds similar to Battle Royale if you ask me. =P
    Wow, what a feat to read two books in one night (well, I find it amazing. OwO). But, uh, what series are you referring to?
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