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  • xDDDDDDDDDD A blank piece of paper. xDDDDDDDDDDD You know, a friend of mine actually pulled that on me once and I believed it the first time around.

    Ooh, your plot sounds good. OωO Although not to be offensive or anything but the idea of the kidnapper wanting to get a legendary Pokémon/making a machine to control or catch many Pokémon sounds unoriginal and would drive readers away in my opinion. =/ Unless that's just a shell of the kidnapper's true intentions, you may have to come up with something different than the usual find-legendary-Pokémon-and-conquer/destroy-something-that-bad-guys-always-seem-to-aspire-for plan or the control-every-Pokémon-at-once-and-take-over-the-world plan.
    I always keep Notepad up whenever I type in VMs so as to not lose my message. Moving along, though.... That is the best summary of text I have read all semester. xD ( 17) We're both impatient [my, this list just keeps on growing. xDDD] ).

    Well... here's my reply then. xD Now what's this plot bunny you want to share? Does it have to do with a group of bunnies who are secretly ninjas and they want to take over the world with their vast cuteness? :3
    "No, you're not obsessive. =) You're totally normal; I'm the weird one."
    ^That's what she said. ;)
    Skroy: Oh, oh you did not just say that!
    What? =/ She's my friend, it's not like she minds.

    Anyway, I believe you got it all wrong, Blazie; based on what I've read and remembered from our conversations, you're more normal than I. I mean, do you get an erotic feeling down your pants when you take a glance at math material you have not yet covered such as integrals, antiderivatives and Newton's method? (....O////O Um, yeah, it's a fetish of mine...O///O).

    And I say I'm obsessive because I want to hear your replies as soon as I post my message and everytime I have to wait a day or two I can't stand it! I may sound like a child when I say this but... "I wanna, wanna talk to my fwiends! >w<" And it's not only you who I want to chat with and get a response immediately. =/

    "...dancing with the opposite sex was awkward."
    ^For some odd reason, I happen to find this phrase funny. xDDD
    Anyway, about the dance... well, I'm not sure what I'm not suppose to say but I believe it's safe to inform you that we've only learned the choreography for the first three minutes of the waltz music. Only 3 minutes... out of at least 45 minutes. Heh, heh, heh.... 45 MINUTES OF DANCING TO THE SAME MUSIC?! ^^;
    Personally, I like the final boss's theme music when you battle the last boss of the game. It just sounds so epic! =D
    ...You know, we've come a long way in our friendship, Blazie. It all began with a story that I needed beta-ing and now look where we are. Truth be told, I didn't pick you to be my beta because of a random decision. I chose you because... well, I decided that I wanted to be your friend; you seemed nice when you replied to my review of your story. You're my first online friend, not to mention one of my best friends on the Net, and I couldn't be more happier to have met you. ^w^
    HELLO YELLO, Blazie! ^w^

    Anyway... *ahem*
    Having to wait any longer and I would've really started to fear for you. ;~; But apology accepted. (Although, I must sound obsessive in that I want you to reply as soon as possible. ^^;)

    Well... at least the experience was fun, right? :D

    Ooh, so you've also played M&L:BiS? Heh, that was a fun game. ^w^ And you also saw my art thread, eh? Heh, it doesn't update much but I'm planning on drawing stuff over the holidays to improve on my techniques. Did I ever tell you that I may want to be a cartoonist or video game designer when I'm older? :3 (Hmm, I'm pretty sure I told you something else; these thoughts are just new and I'm sticking with them).
    Hmm, you're awfully quiet. Not that I'm worried or anything since this has happened before in our PMs at Fanfiction.net. I'm assuming it's the rehearsals for your shows or you're just not in a talkative mood. In any case, you don't have to reply to my long message if you don't want to. :3

    EDIT: Hmm... this thought has been lingering in my mind for some time now: I feel as if I said something wrong to you but I don't realize it. If I did say something wrong, I'm really, really sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. ;~; ;~; ;~;
    Oh yeah, November is practically over now, so... how did your NaNoWriMo story go? :3
    Much like your performance at the Olympic Closing Ceremonies (which I'll get to in a moment), I can't reveal anything else about my lessons since I'm "under contract" for a lack of better terms, and it's supposed to be a surprise to the invitees. ;)

    Nevertheless, what I can say is that my dancing partner just so happens to be somebody who goes to the same college as I, and furthermore we're both in the Robotics club and we both received an Entrance Scholarship worth $150 last Thursday (which you receive just by entering the college with a high academic overall average). Coincidence much? I believe so. xD Now that we know we both go to the same college, we're planning on making things awkward by doing the waltz out of nowhere in front of a large crowd at the student mall. xDDDD

    Have you ever thought about living in their shoes? You know what I mean; seeing the world through their eyes. You'll gain a better understanding once you do so. To me, people who are overjoyed in getting a B are either solely glad that they passed the subject or they see it as a symbol that they are progressing well in developing mental capabilities and reaching their full potential.

    Hmm.... If you're one of those total fanatics that are in love with the series (and I'm not saying you are one), I would say that it was your subconscious that did the writing rather than yourself. If you're not one of those people obsessed with the series or , I can honestly say that it's pure coincidence. =P

    *If there were an emoticon for a big jaw dropping, it would be placed here; of course there are images that I can search for on Google but a lot of them disturb me. =/*
    CONGRATULATIONS! =DDDDDDDDDD Wow, that's amazing! I'm really happy for you. ^w^ It's not everyday that you get to do a performance at the Olympics. So you're gonna be singing? Whether you do or not, I'm still going to watch it.

    ...Heh. You know, at first I thought I would never use Facebook much. Now I'm logging onto it practically everyday. ^^; Heh, I'm such a hypocrite.
    W-wow, t-that sounds like one tough choreography you guys have to master. O_O At least you're somewhat getting a break from all of that. Nevertheless, good luck with it. ^^

    Speaking of choreography, I'm learning to do the waltz for a upcoming birthday party in December. :D My first lesson was fun, despite the people stepping on other people's feet the whole time. xD
    Huh, so you're a straight A student, I see.... *Is very jealous*
    No, I don't read Twilight, and yes, I don't mind the spoilers since I already know a bit about it from my sister who wouldn't close her mouth while we were eating dinner. Anyway, I'm listening (or rather reading). :)
    Yay, go us couch potatoes! ^^;

    In comparison to my grading system, I'll gladly take that B.... And wait, you're in honours class? :0 I never had an honours class at my school; it would've nice...
    Ooh, yes, "Friend Like Me" is a fast song (I should know, I had to play it during the my high school's band's yearly tour of elementary school). Choreography, I'm not sure how it goes but I had a feeling you would complain about it eventually.

    Wait, you have to crouch down for the entire show when playing as Abu? That must be painful to go through. >.<

    Wait, who's on top of who, what? *Is confuzzled*
    Gah, this week has been hectic! So many tests and so many oral presentations to do... X_X (Then again, it is the last two weeks of classes, so I can understand why the amount of workload is getting heavy...)
    Your computer wasn't the only one... -_-;;
    I know, I know: "the faster you get your work done, the more time you'll have to be able to make lemon meringue pies and throw it at somebody's face and laugh at them." <- Personal quote of mine. ^^

    Anyway, you'll catch up and beat your friend. ^w^ But once again, don't study too hard.
    Speaking about my calculus test, I ended up getting a 78% on it. Not too bad— but not too good either. =/ The way I see it, my mark for that test clearly indicates that I memorized a sufficient amount of information but I haven't actually understood any it. *Sighs* Woe is me. I should read my Cal. book more often....

    Now back to the question at hand, the test was worth 50 marks (so I got 39 out of 50). There were only six questions and within most of those questions were other questions (i.e. 1a, 1b, 1c...). Sorry, I should've been more clear of the number of questions on the test. ^^;
    Well, at least that's one thing I like about college. ^^ Though I wouldn't mind going back to high school; it was nice while it lasted (plus I practically pwned everybody in math class. xD).
    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. xD
    ..... But pwease? With a cherwy on top?

    ^Surely you wouldn't want this poor kitty to cry.
    *Ahem* Moving along....
    The college workload isn't too bad actually; it really depends on the teacher you get and the amount of effort you put into it. The only reason I've been so busy is because I keep procrastinating and I never do my work during my hour to 4 hour breaks. This is one habit I really should get out of and I— or more specifically the voice in my head— keep telling myself to stop procrastinating, to which I reply "Meh, I do it later." =/

    As for the cal test... well, this is college, and once time is up, time is up and you must hand in your paper whether it is finish or not finish (though it is possible to squeeze in a minute or two to complete your paper). Well, I only had three questions I didn't finish, so hopefully I may get a 70% or worse 60%. *Sighs*

    Still, if I get either a 60 or 70 per cent, at least I pass, if not just barely. =P However, just receiving a passing grade is not good enough; I find it is more like an unsuccessful passing grade. For people who are very focused on the subject, they should ask themselves: do I truly understand what is going on or am I only memorizing what I have been taught?

    ...And I'll stop. I could continue with this line of knowledge if I want but I'm not in the mood right now. =P I could write a frickin' informative essay on this kind of knowledge. Heck, I already started on it! xD Would you mind reading it if I ever get around to finishing it?
    Whew! I guess that's all I have left to say. Just three weeks left of my first semester in college and after the final exams, I'll be on vacation, just the time I need to search for a part-time job and maybe even draw some pictures as Christmas presents. =)
    Good luck with the catching then. ^^;

    I've been busy as well— too busy as a matter of fact. -_-; I've been studying for my calculus test, reading and writing essays and lab reports, trying to solve my programs, practicing my volleys and bumps for volleyball, practicing my French oral presentation... and all in just a matter of four days, thus losing lots of sleep (which was bad because I sorta slept during my calculus test and as a result I wasn't able to finish it on time! T_T Although, the questions were pretty tough, so... meh. =P). *Sighs* I WANNA TRADE WITH YOU (WANNA TRADE YOUR SOUL?)! ;~;

    Speaking of which, despite the fact I'm jealous because you got to meet real actors/actresses (and furthermore hugged at least two of them), good for you! ^w^ And by amazing, what do you mean (in other words, how)? :3

    ...Heh, from the way you typed that up, it sounds as if Facebook is trying to say that I'm stalking you. xD Anyway, I agree, it's better to befriend real-life friends on FB; I pretty much lost contact with all the friends I made in high school because I didn't have a FB account. Although, I never really wanted a FB account back then and I still don't mind not having one but I would rather not lose contact with the friends I make. :3
    It'd probably be best if you do study for math, if only for a little while. Don't study too hard though or you may just confuse where to round a number off to on an exam question, thus giving you an answer of 1860 when it was actually 1859 and as a result you get a mark deducted on your exam............................................................................ heh heh ^^;......................................
    Yeah, it was a short-haired blond woman. Heh, "nerdlets." xD I'm guessing Glee is a show full of stereotypes who despise the glee club and want to see it shut down. I'll check to see what station it airs at on my television then (probably on Global for me).

    Also, ever since you mentioned that the show has songs in it (though I would've figured since the show is called Glee after all), I've been listening to the tracks on YouTube. The voices of the cast... they're simply AMAZING! My current favourites ones to listen to are "Rehab" and "Don't Stop Believin' ". ^w^
    ...Would you believe that I recently created a Facebook account? :3 Yep, I caved in and made one. However, my main reason for creating an account is to keep in touch with my real life friends and new real life friends I'm making, that's all.
    Ahh, Halloween sure was a fun night this year— that is if you don't consider the weather here; I was wearing my winter jacket during the scavenging for Pete's sake!

    So technically you did get what you wanted but in a fashion that you had not originally thought of, am I right? =3 Sparks, eh? Hmm... that name seems suitable in my opinion for an overdramatic drama queen type character. =)

    I've been meaning to try and watch a bit of that show but college workload, 'nuff said. I remember seeing a promo of Glee a while back. It had this coach mentioning about the school having a glee club and then calling the members "nerdlets". xD Does Glee air on Global? Fox? CTV? *Shrugs*

    It's obviously not easy to maintain such a high mark— especially for 8 years in a row (I'm not kidding!). 98.1% is still great though! *Applauds. 8D* Now it's your job to beat those two guys. ;)

    And yeah, I've been wanting a tablet for a long time now ever since I learned about it last June. ^^; Now that I'm allowed to bring my laptop in class, this tablet will definitely come in handy when it comes to taking notes. :D

    Hmm... have you ever wondered what it would be like if you were born as a boy instead? [/random thought] If I were born a girl, I think I would probably be crushing on some of my friends. >.>.... <.<.... ^^;
    I wish you good luck with that NaNoWrimo stuff!

    P.S. It's not as hard as it sounds, I believe. I managed to write more than 100.000, yes, 100.000 letters within 10 days(I used to take part in an RP thread that was extemly active and had everyone post at least 1000 letters per post, so..).

    Anyway, good luck!
    Since it's November now, I just wanted to wish you the best of luck during the NaNoWriMo 2009. ^w^

    Meh, it could've been worse. =P

    Speaking of "scary", how was your Halloween day? Me, I was dressed up as a nerd, with the glasses, pants, braces (;~;), pocket protector and everything! xD I went trick-or-treating with my cousins (and sister) and it was my job to babysit them. The best costume I saw that night, in my opinion, was the simplest of them all: a banana! xDDDDD
    Which is why you would need to listen to Adriel Luis more than once to get an understanding of what he is saying (or at least read the poem). Unfortunately for me, I had to over-analyze the entire poem and even then I still did a horrible job on my paper. ;~; ;~; ;~; Hopefully I can just get a passing mark for that assignment (although I really should not be thinking like that; I mean, college is more on application of the skills you learn)....
    Oh yeah, did I tell you I got a drawing tablet yet? :3 If not... well, then, I finally got it! :D (In case you don't know what I'm talking about, here's a pic of it). Don't be alarmed by my burst of happiness; I'm just so glad that I finally got my wish and now I just gotta tell people about it! x3 (Thank you 99% overall average in math! ^^)
    Well, I sent the PM already, so now you know. =D Truthfully, my first name was supposed to be Jason but because my mom just happened to watch the movie, "Friday the 13th" while she was pregnant with me, she got scared that I might've grew up to be some sort of psychopath killer and thus I had my first name changed. =/ A silly reason if you ask me, but my mom is paranoid, so what could one do? *Shurgs*

    Genevieve...that's a pretty name in my opinion. =) Why would she want to change it though?

    I'm glad you liked it. I, on the other hand, still have not watched the movie yet (I'll probably do it this coming Sunday). No spoilers please, obviously. ^^

    Huh, I didn't think he spoke too fast (out of curiosity, would you say he speaks a lot faster than you?). But yeah, that's what I had to analyze and write a 4-page report on how he got his message or thesis across. Alas, I had to restart the entire paper, simply because my teacher told me that I was examining the wrong thesis statement. >.<! In consequence, I had to pull an all-nighter just to finish the damn report— twice! I'm so glad it's over.... Now I just have to wait a few days before I can begin the final draft. >.>;;
    At least your roles are worth mentioning. (I mean, who would be impress by saying "I'm a tree/rock/table/flower/*insert inanimate object here LOL*?)
    Anyway, I got nothing left to comment on this, so... I wish you the best of luck with your roles and the play! ^w^ ^w^ ^w^
    Obviously Skroy is not my real name; it's actually Ryan. ;)
    ....Okay, not really; it's actually my nickname in real life which is not often used. I think I told you this already but my first name actually starts with a J and has Ryan in it. I'm not intent on revealing it (which is odd because I don't mind revealing my last name. OwO) except to people I consider best friends (I'll tell you after I'm certain that you've read this message). Again, you don't have to call me Zritts if you don't feel like it, Hayley. ;)

    P.S. ...Your friend is seriously thinking of changing her name to Chloe? O_o
    Ooh, ooh, watch this. Isn't it just amazing? The only thing I don't like about it is that I have to analyze it attentively and write a 4 to 6 page report on it— the poem associated with the video I mean. (Technically, I love the video but I hate the assignment I have to do. -.-;;)
    Since you got the part and all, you might as well study your character and learn how to get into him.

    Changing subjects just to get your mind off of this for a bit, have you seen Raven Chaser yet (the 13th Detective Conan movie)? :3 I haven't unfortunately but I'm gonna go watch it soon if I can just get this 2000 word report done. >>>>>.<<<<<

    Hmm, speaking of Facebook.... I think I might get an account on there just to see what all the hype is about. =P

    EDIT: You may have noticed already by the time you read this (or not if Butterfree denied/has not seen my request) but I have changed my username. Why? Simple: I just felt the urge to change my username is all. =P In a more philosophical view, though (in other words, gibberish just to make me seem intelligent when in fact I just felt the urge to change my username), the name "Skroy Horitz" is not mine to begin with; he is an anthropomorphic fox character who I created for a series of mine I abandoned years ago, and subsequently I used my own character's name to have a social online identity. However, Skroy is only a part of my conscience, not the whole thing! Therefore, I decided to have a new identity, one that actually represents myself as a whole being and not just a part of it.

    So now I shall be returning my former name to its rightful owner.
    Woo, I finally have my name back! =D
    Yeah, yeah, you hyperactive fox, you got your name back. (You can still call me Skroy if you want, but from now on I'll be known as Zritts to every other stranger I meet. ;D).
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