xDDDDDDDDDD A blank piece of paper. xDDDDDDDDDDD You know, a friend of mine actually pulled that on me once and I believed it the first time around.
Ooh, your plot sounds good. OωO Although not to be offensive or anything but the idea of the kidnapper wanting to get a legendary Pokémon/making a machine to control or catch many Pokémon sounds unoriginal and would drive readers away in my opinion. =/ Unless that's just a shell of the kidnapper's true intentions, you may have to come up with something different than the usual find-legendary-Pokémon-and-conquer/destroy-something-that-bad-guys-always-seem-to-aspire-for plan or the control-every-Pokémon-at-once-and-take-over-the-world plan.
Ooh, your plot sounds good. OωO Although not to be offensive or anything but the idea of the kidnapper wanting to get a legendary Pokémon/making a machine to control or catch many Pokémon sounds unoriginal and would drive readers away in my opinion. =/ Unless that's just a shell of the kidnapper's true intentions, you may have to come up with something different than the usual find-legendary-Pokémon-and-conquer/destroy-something-that-bad-guys-always-seem-to-aspire-for plan or the control-every-Pokémon-at-once-and-take-over-the-world plan.