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  • xD Why thank you! Shame I don't really have anything to give you back though ^^" And sorry for the late reply :)
    Ah, I see. So I suppose you slaughtered a few of your teammates? xD
    It kinda sucks that they changed Surf to a hit all move, though.
    :o Nice. Come to think of it, I've never actually seen the move Eruption being performed xD I've never played Ruby version, and I haven't finished Diamond yet (still?).
    Oh, that sucks. I remember when I was doing a lottery battle with a bunch of buff Pokemon including Dialga, Giratina, and Tyranitar, and my opponent got all of them D:
    But seriously, using one Typhlosion to beat all those Pokemon is totally pro. Leafeon, and Marowak I guess, sure, but Salamence? Is your Typhlosion EV trained, or was it just insanely lucky?
    Whoaaaa. What was the rest of your team?
    I remember sweeping through the entire Elite 4 with my Typhlosion though, when it was around Lvl 70. Thunderpunch and Flamethrower for the win :D
    :o A burning Cubone! Thank you ^^

    I didn't get you anything... er... have this.
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