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Recent content by bulbasaur

  1. bulbasaur

    Hey when you move into residence at UQAM (if you're moving into residence) don't buy the laundry...

    Hey when you move into residence at UQAM (if you're moving into residence) don't buy the laundry card from the machine; I have two and have been trying to rid myself of one forever!
  2. bulbasaur

    I live in residence at UQAM! I study at mcgill and I've been in Montreal for the past...

    I live in residence at UQAM! I study at mcgill and I've been in Montreal for the past year-and-a-half, haha. In the first place, I lived in vancouver, I guess?
  3. bulbasaur

    lol I'm not going to UQAM, I'm going to McGill. UQAM is just where I live. But hey, you're...

    lol I'm not going to UQAM, I'm going to McGill. UQAM is just where I live. But hey, you're coming to Montreal in the summer, that's awesome!
  4. bulbasaur

    Something wrong? :( You don't know who I am anymore? :P

    Something wrong? :( You don't know who I am anymore? :P
  5. bulbasaur

    Oh my gosh you're at UQAM! I'm in residence there!

    Oh my gosh you're at UQAM! I'm in residence there!
  6. bulbasaur

    Oh my god, you're back! :D

    Oh my god, you're back! :D
  7. bulbasaur

    If you have enough time come summer, I'd like to finish it up!

    If you have enough time come summer, I'd like to finish it up!
  8. bulbasaur

    So ASB's back! :DDDDD

    So ASB's back! :DDDDD
  9. bulbasaur

    Hey, do you know Hugleikur Dagsson? I was wondering 'cause, y'know, you're in Iceland and he's...

    Hey, do you know Hugleikur Dagsson? I was wondering 'cause, y'know, you're in Iceland and he's in Iceland and, like, everyone in Iceland knows each other, probably :P
  10. bulbasaur

    Beijing, although I was in Qingdao for a while. My grandpa tries to teach me Chinese history...

    Beijing, although I was in Qingdao for a while. My grandpa tries to teach me Chinese history, but he always gets things mixed up, so he spins WWII and Cultural Revolution and 1989 protests etc. into a single narrative, often with amusing results (eg. "Your mom was at the --" "Err... my mom...
  11. bulbasaur

    I can speak Madarin but my relatives speak like 10 different versions of it so I'm just sitting...

    I can speak Madarin but my relatives speak like 10 different versions of it so I'm just sitting there going like "uh-huh. Yup. okay. :D hey there's a word I actually understand!" it's too hot here :(
  12. bulbasaur

    In China; gonna spend the rest of my vacation there meeting lots of family I didn't know I had :P

    In China; gonna spend the rest of my vacation there meeting lots of family I didn't know I had :P
  13. bulbasaur

    Happy birthday, Ampharos! :3 Whatcha gonna do this summer?

    Happy birthday, Ampharos! :3 Whatcha gonna do this summer?
  14. bulbasaur

    Hey, who're you cheering for this playoff season? :)

    Hey, who're you cheering for this playoff season? :)
  15. bulbasaur

    ... Mewtini you still exist! :D

    ... Mewtini you still exist! :D
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