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  • Trick
    Helping Hand
    Last Resort

    Unfortunately, not Draco Meteor. :P
    I'll get more info on it finished if you'd like. :P
    I still need to include the Tutor moves. :P
    Oh fun, hold on. >.>
    TM02 - Dragon Claw
    TM05 - Roar
    TM06 - Toxic
    TM08 - Bulk Up
    TM10 - Hidden Power
    TM11 - Sunny Day
    TM12 - Taunt
    TM15 - Hyper Beam
    TM16 - Light Screen
    TM17 - Protect
    TM18 - Rain Dance
    TM21 - Frustration
    TM23 - Iron Tail
    TM27 - Return
    TM28 - Dig
    TM32 - Double Team
    TM41 - Torment
    TM42 - Facade
    TM43 - Secret Power
    TM44 - Rest
    TM54 - False Swipe
    TM58 - Endure
    TM59 - Dragon Pulse
    TM65 - Shadow Claw
    TM75 - Swords Dance
    TM87 - Swagger
    HM01 - Cut
    HM04 - Strength
    HM06 - Rock Smash
    Toxeon tend to have a slight stench about them. The bulb on their tail is full of toxic gas. Toxeon will cause its tail to explode when threatened. The tail quickly regenerates afterward.
    My bad, I can't remember where all the 60s and 65s go. X3

    Dex entry, hmm.

    Draceon like to live around dormant volcanoes. Their sharp claws can pierce even steel and they very rarely eat anything but meat.
    HP: 60
    Attack: 130
    Defense: 65
    Special Attack: 110
    Special Defense: 65
    Speed: 95

    Those are Draceon's base stats. :P
    *glomps back* I have done the stats for Draceon if you haven't seen, Draceon has decent speed while being able to deal massive damage, however has low defense. :P
    I dunno, don't put it on the roof of my mouth though, takes forever to get it off. =.=
    Where'd that come from? :P
    I prefer not to stick my head out of the window, the rushing air isn't as nice in my fur as animals here... Also, I hate flying cause of kennels. =.=
    *blows smoke from gun*
    Why don't we put marshmallows on the spikes on your sprite there? >:3
    I like making the rings and eyes of different colored Umbreons glow, dunno why.
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