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    Butterfree finnaly got back to me.

    Now I wait for Romulation.net to load.
    My level 100 charizard that I trained on fire red from level 5, no hacks. (sorry I like to brag about her XD)
    It's a video game ^^ Slightly ramen-obsessed.

    What is ramen exactly? It's something to do with noodles isn't it?
    Hopefully my mum is immortal and happy to continue this arrangement, otherwise I'll be living with the same set of clothes forever. Unless I randomly find them.

    They sound cool ^^ Both the pairs you mentioned. Doesn't the orange glass make everything orange? Cos my sister's friend has pink lenses and I'm all "lolwut you see in pink".
    But but these don't have frames at the bottom, the lenses just float by magic. Or maybe they're held on by the top part of the frame. Who knows.

    In general though just plain jeans and t-shirts do me just fine too, I don't care. If my mum buys it chances are I'll wear it (yeah I'm a man I don't buy my own clothes).
    I rarely keep flying types. I prefer walking around as opposed to flying. Sucks the adventure out of it.
    2 things I hate about honey trees: 1. You have to wait FOREVER to get a pokemon 2. Headbutting is faster and easier.
    I got designer frames, which weren't free but they were a lot cheaper thanks to the NHS and my under-18-ness :D

    Seems to me most designer frames are either ridiculously garish or ugly ones nobody in their right mind would wear, or are nearly identical to the cheaper ones.
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