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  • Of course! Just today I went out and got a Japanese dictonary, and as we speak, I am pestering Butterfree to give me the ROM.
    They kind of hurt your nose for a bit at first don't they, but then you get used to them ^^ I've been wearing them for 7 or 8 years and every time I get a new pair they still hurt my face :(

    If you push them down your nose a bit and fiddle with the bit just behind your ears you can make them wiggle up and down amusingly :D

    Trees are, indeed, great. They're big.
    Yeah, just flying into one of your destructive rampages and going AAAAAAHAHAHAHACRASHSCREEEEEEEEEEEEECH

    That happens to me lots actually ^^;
    Its okay. My gold gave out so quickly cause it was used when I bought it XD I still have the non saving cartridge, though. Anyway my team was Feraligator, lake of rage shiny gyrados, ho-oh, lugia, shiny golbat and...well I cant remember the last one.
    Who HASN'T?

    When I take over I'll have to share my kingdom with like 50 co-conspirators from all the plans I've made.
    No you're not, fire is fascinating.

    Otherwise when man first discovered it they'd have gone SHIT WHAT THE HELL IS THAT FREAKY GLOWING HOT STUFF HIT IT WITH A CLUB AND PEE ON IT. Instead they used it to make everything ever possible.

    And now, we are going to burn yoghurt with it.
    Not when you're being violent you're not xD *hugs back*

    ...let's burn yoghurt and see what happens o.o
    I like fire types better than water types, BUT TOTODILE IS JUST PWNAGE TO THE BONE! Anyway, I think I'm goin to have the party I had in my origional gold version. WHY DID THE BATTERY HAVE TO RUN OUT T_T
    You should get an upsidedown avvie ^_^ what are you getting for your starter in Hg/ss? As fur meh, I will get totodile, the pokemon of epic pwnage.
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