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  • Err... Wasn't meant to be creepy. If this is the VM I'm thinking it is then I was rather hoping she would get the reference to Grace Kelly by Mika. As her sig is showing the lyrics to it. Wasn't meaning it to be creepy. Sorry about that ^-^"" It was more than a bit obscure though.

    Although I'm still confused on what SH style is, maybe it's because I've just woken up not a half hour ago but fff I feel like this should be obvious.
    SH style? *eyebrows go up*

    Pfft, it can't be worse than my sudden search for good Engy/Scoot fanfic :v (this is partially your fault yanno...! but mostly wadamagick's since a) adorible arts and b) I doubt Kat!Scoot ever groped a Typh!Engy from behind shirtless/nekkid...yet.)
    Groping doesn't equal playing?


    I'm more curious on how Al would feel that, since uh yeah. Oh Typh you and your silly logic you so crazy.

    Groping a Cortz would likely get you a fake hand to the (back of the) head, and with Lassie it could go two ways, depending of how often he's been groped in the day anyhows.
    Lassiter's way of getting intruders consists of jumping in front of them and either pistolwhipping or shooting, whichever comes first.

    Cortz's way is a buncha gadgets. With electricity. And grabbing, much grabbing (and she's really the only girl unless Xav swings dat way, and underage at that. hurf) with metal hands.

    Al...Al is practically a door I mean srsly >:( plus either of the two above camp out inside him like a lot.
    ...well for one, me and my wife down there were speculating on what would happen if she plays Jack Harness (Anything That Moves. That is all.) and it would end in some kinda flirt-with-uptight-but-somehow-hot cop-off.

    Now onto the notes themselves, a lot of it involves Cortz, the wtf why does she sounds like a female Engy OC. Sixteen, pigtails and very CloudcucckoLander. why must I spend like a heapful of time on OC's what. Apparently, she fights mostly with her legs and maybe the rare pimpslap with metal hand, but she mostly ducks cause she's flexible like that.

    ...;w; aaaaa
    haha shit

    apparently the energy (because as we all know, Typhs are not beings with any enrgy at all ever) to have 'crazy headcanon' applies elsewhere. (No, not like that.) Like thinking up a-tarded rp stuff!

    (I have no idea why I'm telling you this, I'm just slightly tired and noticed you were on and damnit why is like half my notebook fulla little doodles and notes)
    headcanon? I have headcanons for everything, depending on how long I'm in fandom. (read: a year = batshit theories.)

    Engie and Medic are totally science bros. Pyro wants to tag along cause he's a big sci-fi nerd, but alas.
    >Oh, did I mention that under his passive nature he's a demon in the sack?

    Absolutely agree. I always had the feeling that Engie is a closet kinky fuck who likes it rough. There is way more to that southern gent than he lets on.

    ...what. Whaaaat-ahahahah.

    Good god do I ever love TF2chan
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