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Crazy Linoone
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  • The Pony Creator is epic. There are no words to describe it, because mere words cannot do it justice.

    *squees like a 7 year old*
    Thanks for that!

    Oh yeah, don't e-ref the double battle! I'm doing it right now! ;o
    Ah, I don't mind. I'm honestly probably a little too in over my head, being a new ref and taking a double battle ><
    If I don't have the reffing up by Saturday, take the double battle and e-ref it.
    Well, we just had a conversation about it (by just I mean like yesterday) and he said he was going to stop procrastinating and get down to it as soon as possible, but still, chances are he won't.

    Let's wait for a week or so then I'll call you.

    DIT: Also thanks :0

    Well, we have a few hybrids in our class, and they kinda bridge the cap of Asianess and whiteness.
    ... naw, I still suck. LOL I'm good on paper, but in practice I suck with predictions and stuff, and I always make misplays. ):
    What, why gold? Why gold when you can sell it for CASH.
    *places maple candy as offerings* OTL OTL OTL
    My grandpa made chicken wing sauce with orange peel. :D It was so good. But I like the strong flavour - I just keep it in my mouth for a long time.
    AND NOW I DO NOT HAVE WORK BECAUSE IT IS SUMMER VACATION. Though it's gonna end soon noooo
    And throwing away the organs when you can eat them is such a waste, man.
    LOL Yeah, even at steakhouses I always order the special combos and whatnot, and if none of those strike my fancy I go for the cheapest thing. If I /do/ want something expensive I always have the urge to ask my mom if it's okay first.
    I don't know LOL. I was in my room and then I heard him laughing and saying the bread was on fire (he was toasting a Vietnamese sub), then I rushed out to find a bit of flame dancing on his food. He put it out pretty quickly, but a large chunk of the sub was totally black.
    MAPLE CANDY NOMNOMNOM I haven't had that in too long. Maybe I should sneak the bottle of maple syrup into my room right now...
    Eyeball muscle mass = 50% of muscle mass of your body? IT'S HOW IT SHOULD BE.

    You're Asian, you're never going to get fat! :D
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