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  • that's technically right!! as far as Rosseaux goes, though, it was more like... the legendary quartet of palkia, dialga, giratina, and (primarily) arceus. the hall of origin and all that good stuff. that's why he's on mt. coronet.
    She lives in Mitonga. Where abouts (in the Pokémon World, I mean) is the RP taking place?
    Hey, just a heads up: I won't be able to get online for the next 2 days, so I can't do RP or the Friend Safari till then. I'll be back on Monday 4 o'clock Eastern Time though. Sorry for the inconvenience!
    I played Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia, so I know a good deal about the region. Any questions about it, just ask me.
    Its true that you can't RP without a team, but with all due respect, you were the one who came up with the story, advertised it, and in the process, got the wheels of the RP forum slowly turning.
    Huh, well, you sure have your bases covered. I can't think of much else to do, but I'll keep you posted if I think of anything.
    The idea of putting it in your signature was a good idea; maybe you could advertise it to people who like RP's outside of this forum, like on any of your other sites you're a part of, or your real-life friends.
    Hey, thanks for being my first customer to my Safari Zone! I thought that no one would show up, so thank you for coming!
    Huh. I always thought your name came from the Spyro the Dragon/Skylanders character.
    Huh. I guess I would describe it as pokemon without the Battling, but with a means of communication to other players. I was just wondering because I'm on it, and I saw that there's a user on there with the name "Cynder", and I thought it was you.
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