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  • Truer words. Also, hi. I heard u liek Cubone? It seems tactless, since that just your username, after all.
    the region of Bohem (and the world) is very familair with the idea of a Pokemorph, a human with Pokemon DNA. Ten years ago, a group of Pokemorphs now commonly referred to as "The first batch" were discovered. Only a few lived to adulthood.
    Sam, the Slowking Pokemorph. Michelle, the Cubone. Drake, the Seedot. Latias, the Latias Morph and Sam's wife. Together, they've had a daughter named Bulla, but she is kept in secret from the rest of the world.

    For you see... When the First batch were teens, new Pokemorphs were discovered. Young ones with untraceable DNA. Now, there are thousands of Pokemorphs living all over Bohem... Or there were. They are dissapearing. Their records are being erased, and they are being killed. You are one of 'The second batch", and you've lived a normal life until now. It's just a few days after your tenth birthday, when... It happens. They take you. Your parents always told you not to try to use moves, so you're totally defenseless.

    They leave you on some sort of island, and there you meet Sam and Michelle, and learn the evil plot the government is dangerously close to initiating.
    Yeah, something like that might work.
    Oh, wait! I've been planning a sequel (after a break) for a long time, and we could do it like that.

    Hold on one second.
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