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  • Next time I'mma leave you laying there! And you've probably gone and killed a good many brain cells, fainting like that. *tsk*
    *hauls to feet*
    And I'm not even going to kiss you this time.
    *nose in air*
    I saw that you asked what is overhead. I don't own a business, but I know what it is. It's the cost of running a business.

    EDIT: So I herd u liek Dark types?
    Dar, Dar! Today is Thanksiving, and I am thankful for...YOU! -3-
    Happy Thanksgiving ♥
    I want to join your RP.
    (don't blame me if I screw up, I'm new to roleplaying)
    And I filled in the form.
    I like chocolate ganache better, myself. And I think you need to consider the syllables in each line, so it flows better.
    The first being...?
    And I'm trying to come up with a tune for your song, but no luck so far.
    I haven't had one since I was like six. Or something crazy like that. Now that is just sad. I'm going to have to fix that soon.
    Ooh I haven't had one is so long <333
    I did have pie for brekkers, though!
    Yay! I got my cough checked out and the doctor says there's nothing wrong wif me :D
    Hey, look.
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