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Dr Frank
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  • I've made comics in the past actualy! :D
    But mostly short one-pagers. I don't think I could do a giant series unless I was REALLY REALLY into it.
    So there probably won't be a comic from me in the future. ^.^;;;

    Thanks for the compliments. I always try to leave a customer and friend with a smile on their face when they see their request. I also like it when theres enough detail for them to stare at it for long periods of time, trying to figure out the shading or background.
    If you can stare at it and still find new things in it, that's my definition of a good picture. Sans the "pleasing to the eye" part.
    I draw things quickly...
    Now that I shade I've gone from ten minutes for a nice finished pic, to an hour or two for a nice pic.
    I guess It's stil pretty fast though...

    Oh, and I havn't finished your other banner yet, but I can already tell that I am BAAAAD at drawing Omanytes. I'm hoping I can make this work though.. >_<;;;
    Um.. Okay? Haste makes waste. ^.^
    I'm glad you like it though I could have done better. :>

    But seriously, if you want me to redo it....... o.o;;
    Ha, never visitor messaged, have you? Well it's simple, the thing is, YOU have to post a visitor message in MY profile. This is so I will get an alert and be able to respond quickly, you know what I mean? ^.^

    So anyways, you avatar looks amazing did you draw it? O_O
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