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  • with her FINS

    omg you know now you can bounce up into the air and stay there...
    omg she'll suffocate in a sea of choice items while delicious venison hovers above, victorious
    I WAS SO HOPING I WOULD GET TO DO THIS on the plus side delicious venison can hover in the air all he wants now
    by the way you know it's your turn to post brilliant, well thought out commands right
    I wonder if this battle is just gonna be whoever goes second ends up in the lead for that round
    you would leave me with the stringy piece of "meat" that is blob of blob?!
    omg this is gonna be hilarious blob is just gonna be screaming taunts at a distressed venison who doesn't want to change things up
    can we use these rules for statuses

    "Sleep and confusion can be inflicted at most once on each Pokémon (self-inflicted statuses do not count for this). A sleeping Pokémon will sleep for at most two actions before waking up. A confused Pokémon will hit itself in its confusion once on its next action after becoming confused, then be cured of the condition. Paralysis can cause at most one failure to move, but speed is decreased and the condition fades as normal."
    one more rule: the ref is required to use the name of the arena as often as possible
    Format: 1v1
    DQ: whenever
    Damage Cap: ???
    Banned/Restricted Moves: none??? well prob Attract and stuff
    Arena Description: super-cool name with CHOICE in it. maybe something very punny

    there are like a bunch of choice items littering the floor yo. a Pokémon can take an action to use Trick or Switcheroo to switch their choice item with an item on the floor. idk what else man.

    Additional Rules: Eifie will use blob of actual blobbiness the blob and Dragon will use her delicious venison. Upon being sent out, each Pokémon will be equipped with a ridiculously sticky Choice item (Choice Specs for blob and Choice Band for delicious venison) in addition to its actual held item. These items cannot be knocked off or discarded. The only way to get rid of a choice item is to Trick or Switcheroo it with either the opponent's choice item or one of the ones on the ground. delicious venison will learn Switcheroo for the duration of the battle. what else??
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