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  • lmao he's beautiful. don't let MD near him

    Sure! And the choice items are very, very sticky, and can only be removed by use of Trick or Switcheroo or something (which rewards you with your opponent's choice item)! Also blob of blob has Embargo and Magic Room so I'll ban those. Also maybe we can give delicious venison Switcheroo for the duration of the battle so you also have access to hilarious choice-switching shenanigans? omg what if we have like a Choice Scarf lying on the ground and you can take an action to use Trick/Switcheroo on it to switch your choice item with that. omg.
    hmm my movepool is actually not as ridiculously huge as I expected. maybe this would be okay

    We could do the Foresight thing or not, up to you! :o Also maybe we could make it so that the choice things are in effect without holding the item so we can't just knock off or throw them away and also it would be kind of sad for my Misdreavus to battle without a Dusk Stone haha. Although maybe Trick could swap the choice effects anyway haha. Or maybe we could make a whole choice-themed arena.....
    omg what if we did blob of deer vs the Misdreavus you traded for him... that'd be hilarious. except probably a bad matchup on your end :(
    ... can we actually like legit have a choice band vs choice specs smackdown as a regular not-srs-tournament-business battle
    how funny would it be if you kicked my ass with the choice band I gave you
    Yeah I might expand on the arena and reuse it sometime. Would you want to be one of the battlers when I do, or would you rather ref again?
    It's a shame, I was looking forward to the rest of that battle. Ah well, I guess I'll have to reuse that arena sometime.
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