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  • dragon! have you ever been disown? if not, disown. if so ... disown.

    ... oh wait you're asian, aren't you, that won't help, never mind.
    that's ridiculous. if I wanted to show off by wasting ludicrous amount of money, I'd be building railroads. or wait, how's the scientific progress in this world?

    why would I be leading an attack? have a minion do that.
    if I had an anti-army dragon which would let me ride it, I wouldn't; either it wants me dead (in which case I definitely don't want to ride it, and would much rather be plotting to deal with it), or it's fine with doing what I tell it to do (in which case I'd rather not risk myself by being near an army). so no, I'd take control of the continent with the dragon but I wouldn't ride the dragon, that'd be silly. the continent would be nice, though, lots of things you could do with a continent. gold crown, though, wouldn't it be more efficient to melt it down?

    if I wanted to destroy a bay of ships with fire, of course I'd stay at at distance. being up close would be inefficient, have a minion get up close for the setting on fire.
    Well, you pay to get them mailed; otherwise you just drive up to the school and get them. That hasn't happened.

    Would helping involve me watching those TV shows for you? In any case, summer homework sucks. >[ Sorry.

    True, but Tyrion doesn't really fit with res. Tyires? Because uh Tyres sounds really really weird.

    Haha, sort of. The finale was really, really awesome aside from the Makorra. Although it could have ended a lot better too; Aang suddenly coming along and fixing everything was cool but. Iiit's kind of not the best solution to everything.
    "and hopy shti res could possibly be Viserys that chat log is the best. Visyres? Vyseres? ..resboobies though."

    libel! all lies and libel!

    also why would I want a crown of gold

    also I def have all of my nose I think
    ... Hrm, it occurs to me I have no real clue what my exact grades are. My school ended wayyy early compared to yours, but you had to pay to get the report mailed to you and I didn't.

    Thanks! I had all sorts of ASB things I wanted to do, so I'm pretty much in favor of continuing ASB things myself. All of the irons?

    Visyres > resboobies. End of story. Too bad it never caught on. :[
    :[ Sorry about the math thing. Maybe the Law grade will make up for it?

    Oh, Smogon's definitely been considered--probably not, because six action taunt. We might be going with something different, though? I'm not sure.

    Also I forget when this happened, but it happened and it was hilarious. quitterie is Kusari, res is kirsten, and by process of elimination you should know who I am:

    quitterie: nevertheless, I must act as though you have a redeeming feature that places you above Joffrey
    quitterie: merely incidental
    quitterie: it's through no fault of your own, I assure you
    kirsten: res resembles not-unredeemable? must fix
    quitterie: I suppose I will concede res has characteristics that resemble redeeming features, I guess.
    kirsten: what is a joffrey
    Maimi: That's low even when we're going for insulting nicknames.
    Maimi: res... is not bad enough to be Joffrey.
    kirsten: what is a viserys
    quitterie: you're more Joffrey probably but Viserys's name works better
    kirsten: viserys?
    quitterie: yes
    quitterie: but
    quitterie: should go with original spelling because Viseres just looks weird
    Maimi: Visires
    Maimi: Viseres
    Maimi: Viserys
    Maimi: wait a second new idea
    quitterie: but yes that is also a thign
    quitterie: you disliking it is practically a vote for it happening
    kirsten: ... how about no
    quitterie: you could be resboobies I guess
    quitterie: you can't be coobie because coobie is actually cool
    kirsten: you should call me john
    kirsten: besides, my current usertitle quote is a 1776 quote
    kirsten: since when
    quitterie: it was a bluzzy and Mai thing too at least
    quitterie: wasn't it an everyone thing
    kirsten: irrelevant!
    kirsten: and as far as I know, that is a poo thing, not an everyone thing
    quitterie: but res actually is a douchebag
    kirsten: that would imply that res is a douchebag
    quitterie: except for neo-nazis, probably
    Maimi: We could just call res Douchebag, I guess.
    kirsten: wait, is hitler hate actually a universal thing
    kirsten: and stalin
    kirsten: yes compare res to hitler
    kirsten: and hitler
    kirsten: also everyone hates kyubey
    kirsten: uh everyone hates res
    kirsten: things everyone hates?
    quitterie: or a thing everyone hates
    quitterie: either a name-based thing
    quitterie: I was hoping you could come up with something :D
    Maimi: Like what?
    quitterie: we need an embarrassing nickname for res
    I suppose all you can do now is hope that things turn out alright. What are you expecting to get, if things turn out well?

    Well, we /can/ technically finish the old battles. Whether there's a point has yet to be seen. I'd like to check with bluzzy if we're going to attempt to persuade res to finish our battle first; if so, I'd like to have something to hold over it.

    Also, do you know of any other places with a decent ASB?
    Uhm, I don't remember that. Ah, well.

    Mai's reffing the battle with Rayquaza, but if you want you can tell her that you can take it back. Other than that, we're good.
    :D Hey, Dragon! Welcome back. As you might have seen, ASB is dead, the BfA is over, and mafia sortakinda exists. (Insert obligatory advertisement for AtLA mafia here)

    ... Did I forget anything? How was school?
    :DD Dragon! You're back! *tackle* I missed youuu

    Naw, it doesn't matter anymore. I managed to get Kratos' Salamence, so it's good. I... uh, don't remember stuff about using your Pokemon but...! If the ASB League re-opens then it'll be nice to know I have that option :D (and of course you can use mine if you so please~)

    Dragon I miss you D:

    Hopefully you'll do well in school with the TCoD hiatus and all, right? Good luck, even though you probably won't see this until summer
    Hey Dragon, if you see this before the Metronom contest appeals are due, can you lend me your Salamence for it? 8D; It's rather necessary for the appeal I have in mind and you get 1 EXP for it! Yay!
    9_9 I know you're absent and stuff but the me vs legends battle is so close to ending!! Could you just put in commands??
    Sorry to be a bother, but could you get the reffings in for mine and Rarity's battle?
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