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  • wow so you live near my douchebag ex :o that's a pretty huge variance. my commute is just plain 1.5h

    it's like how pumpkin spice randomly exploded last year and like red velvet or something the year before
    I forgot where you live or maybe you never told me. how long would your commute be?

    oh wow salted caramel flavor sounds kind of weird. it's like the salted caramel timbits but this is... a macaron. why is salted caramel suddenly such a big thing anyway
    (it's open when someone's there to man the register, so sometimes it is open on weekends. I will commute all the way downtown to linger outside their room for a few minutes, scream DRAGON!!! and then go home)

    you are missing the most important of the information... what flavor was it
    lol no I'll still be in Toronto. I can still scream out your name as you wander into the cssu to buy ice cream sandwiches (on weekends), no need to fret
    seeing you actually use venison gives me such a warm happy feeling in my heart
    are you the girl at St George and College right now carrying the huge stuffed Pikachu
    venison used rest! oh no! venison bounced up into the air and cannot come down!
    I think delicious venison would love to romp and canter about the grounds of hogwarts
    I still can't get over delicious venison sitting all proud at the head of your squad
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