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  • you know you don't even have to paste the alt codes to get that to show right



    yeah they should be open then, that's about breakfast time or something
    nah they should still be open on weekdays. they're open whenver someone in the CSSU is around to man the register and stuff so I think they're really only closed during holidays.

    what kind of respectable computer scientist uses bbcode god
    WHAT do you expect them to just TALK to you, you have to speak the secret language of computer science in which you stare at your shoes while everyone stares at you in a haze of socially awkward

    they don't care what program you're in though, everyone is welcome to buy cheap ice cream sandwiches, candy, and soft drinks
    oh no this is all organized by the CSSU so it's their office you should hang out at

    yeah well... we can... program
    while I'm shamelessly plugging my department this is what we did on pi day last year (the people getting pied are our profs)
    lol that's the... undergrad office. and no it's just mine, we also had a paper airplane competition but I didn't go to that one
    comp sci is where it's at, did you know I won second place in the departmental rock paper scissors tournament
    do they have group work in the humanities :O I have had all of one group project in a mandatory course. a lot of our project courses are for fields I'm not really into anyway so the only other project course I'll likely be doing is compilers (which, admittedly, features a huge group project spanning the entire term)
    too bad you don't have absurdly huge and cluttered review google docs for every class... just computer science things
    someone made a comparison of my prof to the KFC guy (warning, may temporarily crash your browser or something idk)
    okay clearly there is no grizzled man there, I must have been confusing it with kfc
    idk but have you never seen those signs with like the outline of the grizzled old guy advertising the anonymous tips hotline and reporting for cash rewards
    I think you're doing enough Crime to my poor majestic banana mushroom dragon, soon to be majestic banana mushroom pirate dragon with an eyepatch
    I only need $29 to officially outmoney MF legitimately this time, perhaps I should look into this
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