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  • also I feel like not talking about fe so much but you HAVE to know, henry and nowi's S rank......... "my idea is that you'll get a dragon playmate! :D it'll just take a REALLY long time..." I saw it coming...
    also omg I tried playing with japanese voices but it was so stupid... virion is made to seem like cool and suave and omg he's NOT i thought that was the POINT...... also sumia's voice is too high-pitched to register
    maybe you should learn katakana now :o

    okay omg listen I got olivia and chrom to marry and then the message after the battle was still "in his heart, he always knew who he would choose." you met HOURS AGO I wonder when my life will be mine again and not fire emblem's.
    UGHHHHH I spent like an HOUR doing the pre-marriage battle and then HE MARRIED THE RANDOM VILLAGE GIRL ANYWAY...... I thought Olivia had priority over her... who is she...... omg...

    lissa's like "and to think you've only been a couple for two years!!" I want evidence of this...........
    no you should IRC for once >:(( omg don't worry there's loads of time :o omg he should be with anna. maybe she hasn't shown up yet. omg. play more.
    about my essay: "[00:37] <Cirrus> from the bottom of my heart, if I get to play fire emblem again after I'm done, I can do this." you should come on IRC >:(
    though that said after lissa died frederick and cordelia fought together side by side right until the final battle :3 they want to get together next time :o
    :3! panne and lon'qu is acceptable :o but it'll be horrible playing again and not having the right people marry each other ;;
    hahaha omg on page three of the interview: "A lot of people seemed really preoccupied with the feet... Ah, well. (laughs)"
    http://fireemblem.nintendo.com/developer-intervie "To figure out the right mix, we had people write up reports during their playtest sessions outlining the characters they used in each chapter, whether they leveled them up or not, their general impressions of the level -- that sort of thing. It was always interesting how different people would be so cold toward some characters and use others all the time. Anyway, those reports helped give us a good sense of which units people might want to see more of in the main story." omg I want to be a fire emblem playtester.............. so much......
    omg i've been staying up to desperately write some essays why don't YOU skype good night
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