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  • I'll try as long as I'm still awake, but it's probably in one of those all-purpose threads with 736565927 pages.
    Eh, it's basically all just discussion on nixing the whole thing or not, since I was kind of set on that. Not much in the way of useful discussion about fixing it without taking it down first.

    I'll try to make it happen as soon as I can. I'm thinking of putting through it the meta. ... And actually, that much I think I can do now.
    yeah for a second I was going to try to Mimic your Facade to get around the fact that you imprisoned my Facade away, but then I looked up on Bulbapedia and found out it wouldn't work b/c they're not technically different moves (but at least I was trying to be creative)

    also lol @ the fact that I literally commanded "do nothing" as an option for two out of three actions
    I vaguely remember wanting to overhaul the entire system pre-launch but there was some powerful opposition to that. Some well thought-out reforms are definitely due, though, and hopefully for a day when I have more brain fuel and time left.
    I'll definitely have to look into it in fuller depth sometime, but, that'll have to do for now.
    I've generally been one of the refs that let the latter slide, so, sure, why not.

    (I thought that was the reason for the name, but the connection in that post was actually coincidental.)
    Don't worry about it, I'm really supposed to be studying as well anyway.

    That's been a controversial matter. It seems that, way back when, the former was compulsory, but the latter started becoming more commonly applied near the end of the previous era and the issue was never quite solved for real.
    ah, does confusion damage bypass the cap even if it happens before the cap goes into effect? I didn't realize the cap wasn't time-sensitive, if that makes sense.
    all hail the fact that I got up off my lazy ass and finally wrote a reffing

    (or rather, I guess, got down on my lazy ass and wrote? technically I sit while I write so)
    Looks like a new novelty, according to my 'Dex! Now I'm mad that I didn't save a space in my party for it... >:(
    Yeah, that sounds great! I'll make the post in the trading thread right now.
    I guess it's more that playing itemless isn't really my style, even if you can do cool stuff with Switcheroo, since Expert Belt and the like are pretty good on Lopunny.

    Also I'm so conflicted as to what I should do next in the scavenger hunt... I want to fool around some more in the main area, but I feel like I should move on.
    Ah, but don't you mean Debeste? C:

    It's more that I want a bun, but I'm not that big on either Cute Charm or Klutz? Maybe I'll just buy a Cute Charm one or something, idk.
    (No, but I know the most important facts! Like, there's a guy with an awesome afro who wears a fedora and likes to hug people, and Kay gets amnesia, and there's someone whose breakdown involves him making a candy replica of himself, I think?)

    Kale? ...Kalé? I feel like setting Solar Power up is really easily disrupted, haha (see: our battle.) Especially if you pair it with Sun Stone, since then your item and ability slot are both used up on something dependent on it being sunny... but it's also really good once you do get sun up. At the end of this tournament round I was thinking of going for a Gible or Buneary, but maybe I'll get a Solar Power Helioptile instead?
    Yeah, I have!! I'd have played all the way through but mine crashes at the start of the last case for some reason, so I spoiled myself with the wiki...

    edit: I see you plotting, but Kaley will not be usurped!
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