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  • Hahahah! The map!
    Cam I cum?I gots a labcoaht, a Wlink hat anh a hath thet sayhs somothin ons it. *starts bleeding*Owwwhr~
    SURE!He talks all slur-y. I think that's a Link hat.
    Cool! Wait, i can't do that to my Stevie.
    Still..tickles to a-have a mousey in your hair.
    I think Hugh is in the pen.
    Aw no, Kinevel glued hugh's mouth shut. The map's in there. Voli, pry it open, but be GENTLE.
    Okay, but make sure Steve doesn't eat Steve McQueen*points to mouse*
    House would literally kill us. Impalemant by cane. Yuck.
    So*slashslash* we are free. You are welcome.
    But of course. We gotta bring a lot of stuff. We're going treasure huntin'!
    Lesse, pith hats? Check. *plunks one on Voli's head*
    *hands Voli a whip* Check!
    *grabs knifewrench* Check!
    *gets some members of the always-there squirrel army* Checkaroo~
    *snatches the Cheez-its*Got 'em!
    What else?
    *facepalm* Nuuu. Murdah and Kinevel *in other words, E* are working together. Where do you think the dirty thoughts waves came from? I think there's a Scrouse button, which would explain..*shudder*
    BUT!The Janitor left his knifewrench. Now we can free ourselves!=D
    Sort of. Y'see, his biggest problem is that..*dun dun dun* HE HAS A SPLIT PERSONALITY. Apparently named Murdah. Murdah's a pirate. They hid something, and I think Hugh knows, bu they probably stuffed his mouth with the map. *sigh* poor guy, always a blatherer. Wanna go find it?
    ...Maybe. Especially since "E.Vil Kinevel" is basiclly a bundle of nutterviolence, and Hugh...well, he's a-scared. I think I mades a bigger stupid than I thought. Dx
    ..I'm sensing there is a difference between Kinevel and this "E" person huh..?
    *remembers she left Hugh alone with a psycho Welsh guy*
    Oh, bloddy crud.
    Oh, great. The janitor has now tied us both up in a double helix loopers knot, locked the door, and went to an empty exam room with Doctor Wilson.
    ...At least they left us some stuff to do. =)
    Oh c'mon! Now you're getting more Scrubs/House shippings in my head.
    So help me, stop it before I begin to imagine Wilson and The Janitor!
    Oh, that's right it spreads. With would explain why they're alone in the close-*shotshotshot*
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