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  • What, are you really tall or something? Or just good at casting super secret age changing voodoo? I don't really go to the movies much. I believe the last movie I've gone to was Wall-e. All the robots are adorable.... x3
    Aw, dang you too?
    Especially now, since three days ago I turned thirteen, I "must be more mature when with my brother"
    That sucks.
    Alyhogh I do have the advantage of going into a movie theather to watch "The Dark Night" and not wondering if the guy will be able to see thught the fact that I'm not thirteen. =D
    And yet I've been fooling them for years. XD
    Sure. I'm happy as long as he isn't physically harming me. As for brain damage, yeah, I probably do have it. It's so unfair, I get in trouble for "bothering him." :angry:
    Stomps on your HEAD?
    How did you not get brain damage.....
    OMG, so I'm fresh meeat.....
    *Throws him ,box and all to Mexico, the one on Pluto*
    I should warn you, Pikadator is no picnic either.
    He crys too much, burps,steals, headbutts me in the stomach, puts chilli powder on my pizza,*and by that I mean that Tabasico stuff, spiciest kind* and has taken a liking to jumping from the top bunk and squishing my stuff.
    Keep him, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese.
    He also mumbles, sits on me, pushes me on the ground and stomps on my head regularly, and hasn't gotten in trouble since he was six. At best.
    Heck no, I'm not taking him back. Just stuff him in a box, poke an air hole or two in it, and mail him to Lithuania. Please. Please!! *puppy eyes*
    Look at what Green did to Eevee.
    Me too.
    But my reason's because I caught those rare cases of the flu, the kind that's stroing enought to annoy to no end, but not strong enough to exuse you from school.
    It's a good thing it's still technechlly the weekend.... ><
    *hugs back* Thank you. I've been feeling blegh lately. Yes, blegh. Only way to describe it.
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