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  • Well assuming it's 5:28am there right now, and you meant 7:30am today; i'll be on for the next 7 hours, so i'll add your FC and if you log on during the next 2 hours just PM me or something.

    My Friend Code is....
    Fel // 4897 3906 0974
    Like, most of the stuff in my PC boxes from the Marsh? While they're not Lv 1, I don't need 90% of the stuff on the PC.
    All right, since it's unlikely I know you, here's my Friend Code(Plat): 5413 5986 2514
    What time do you want to trade? Today I can't from 6:30-10, but after 10 I can get to the Wifi trading place. Tomorrow I can get on before 7:30, but I'll be gone the whole day. Sunday I can get on any time after 2.
    No, I don't really care about the names. I might evolve one into Umbreon later, but I'm not sure.
    If you trade, what do you want for them?
    Or I can do it now (lol). I'll send you a male and female one, just let me know if you want them to have any specific names or if you're planning to evolve them into anything. ,xP
    Yeah I gave one to my ex on her birthday last year; I might be able to get you one but i'd have to wait until I got platinum.

    Hopefully that's in a few days. ,xP
    I remember that cat in your sig from somewhere before.
    Anyway you still trying to get a shiny eevee?
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