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  • no there isn't we're all going to diieeee

    and it's all my faultttttt
    He's just missing that white tape on the side of his face, of whatever that is. :D

    It's the awesomest part in the whole comic <3
    Oh, I see. It looked a lot like him, especially the hair.

    Haha, that was pretty funny. :D
    Hoooo I really like Ray, Ianthe and Sparktoe, though I think Ray and Ianthe would be more fun to draw... I'll see what comes out when I start doodling. :D

    And since you'd prefer oc's, well, prepare for oc-dumps. Okay seriously I warned you. <<;

    Anthony - 1 2 3 4
    Aster - 1 2 3 4
    Vaunt - 1 2
    Scope - 1 2

    I HAVE MORE BUT I'LL LEAVE YOU ALONE NOW (not at all because I have a splitting headache). :D
    OH SHIT I totally wanted porn D< But not furry, I wanted octopus/robot porn. Damn. That's not furry porn right? Right? :[

    Well no okay that's a lie (although it would be an amusing truth). Buuut! I must think of an interesting situation to have you draw... it will most likely involve a human I obsess over. Hmmm. Okay, I'll think about something, while you amass your list of characters. :D (Actually I might end up having you draw one of my actual characters... hrm... we'll see.)
    Sure :D I might be a bit slow on mine, I'm not particularly busy but I've been feeling sick-ish lately. What would you want me to draw? And can I get you to draw aaaanything I want?
    I have noticed! Okay no I haven't. :[ I'm pretty sure I'm not smart though, pretty sure. I think you're cool though so hey!
    Yeah, I looked for a walkthough to get past that part. Now I'm on my own again. :D

    Oh my God Equinoxe stop it you're showing me too many good games that I'll get addicted to why are you doing this to me. <333

    It looks awesome. C: I'll look into getting it as soon as I finish Ace Attorney. :D
    Same. Though, The Kidnapped Turnabout End, Part 1 is killing me. I KEEP PRESSING LANG BUT I CAN'T GET TO ANY CONCLUSION.

    :X Is this another game that will get me seriously addicted if I start playing? <3
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