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  • Dammit
    Well I have a new super duper ultra (kinda) fast macbook pro so i can't use the excuse that my computer is too slow and i can't go on. (if that made any sense, which it probably didn't.)
    Hair color: Brownish red
    Skin tone: a little pale
    Glasses: Black

    I'm guessing I don't have to ask what this is for.
    ...there was already another one there. I had to do everything again.

    When I thought I was in peace, I started studying again. And just to make me mad, a fly landed on the book.

    I slamed my head on the book, but the fly fleed. I ran after it, hitting everything in the house. When I finnaly killed it, there was a BIG mess, so I just skipped away.

    Moral:Flies are useless little b!tches that don't let you concentrate.

    Good episode.
    I cant really listen to it now, cause I'm on the TV, but I'll check it out.
    Last. A fly appeared.
    I made an angry face, went upstairs, grabbed the "Electric Fly Killer Stick", came back and killed it. Checked for more:none.
    I went upstairs and put the stick in its place. When I came back...?
    I went to Twilight's house, picked a book and studied, silly!
    The study was going well, until...?
    I'll explain the episode!

    I was walking in Ponyville, and got myself into situations where my intelegence was my weak spot. Then I had an idea.

    Care to guess it? *challenge face*
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