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  • ...I can't remember how that scene progresses, so I'll let you off for misquoting it. *eats talent* Thank you.

    Whatever became of good old-fashioned normal conversation? Do you remember that? xD
    Not the Blue Orb one. What I was actually doing there is slightly debatable. ;.;

    *tries to think of more amusing things to say about Jesus* What is myrrh, anyway? (Say "it is a valuable balm". Then I can continue to quote Life of Brian.)
    But then it's not like they can confiscate the food, he'd just magic more of it up. Possibly with a water-into-wine sort of thing, assuming that works with whatever he wants it to, or there happens to be something he can turn into bread or a fish close at hand.

    On another note, I wonder if I should post in that masturbation thread about my glue mishap in Oddity. May be good advertising.
    D: *uses Max Revive*

    No offence, but he must have had terrible hygiene. I hope there were no health inspectors at the Feeding of the 5,000.
    Sadly, I don't think I can amuse you further, because there's only so much I can talk about my nudity without scarring you for life, so a change of topic is definitely needed.

    Speaking of Jesus walking on water naked, how do you suppose he got into the bath?
    Your avatar, or being seen running across the sea in the altogether?

    If the former, yesh I do, but Pachi avvy was great :D Still, your avatar, your call. If the latter, most certainly not. And you never know when a mental institution will decide to take its patients on a sailing day-trip, and said boat might contain people who would like what they see. o.O;;
    I hope there are no ships sailing nearby o.o For both mine and the passengers' sakes.

    Yeah, but I don't know his name.

    Speaking of avatars, I think I need to dress mine up. It's disgraceful running across the ocean with nothing on. You wouldn't catch Jesus doing that.
    When I went, I won this GIANT LIZARD DOLL. People were staring at me when I left with a ginormous lizard in my hands. I could barely see behind that >.>
    Sandshrew's an armadillo, Sandslash is some form of hedgehog/porcupine. ^.^ *hugs Sandshrew Flora*
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