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  • Dangit I shall :3 I would never let a comic die in which my awesome little sister must feature.
    Of course if it does work, it may distract me from Oddity which will die. It happened with my last comic when I started Oddity, but then that one was 260 issues long and I was running out of ideas.
    Oddity shall continue alongside the new one. Which I heavily doubt will work in the first place.
    Leading one of us- I think it was me- to summarise the whole chapter into "oi, don't shag your dad". But that wouldn't necessarily cover the bits saying no men lying with other men, or people doing animals. Still, it seemed a little too obsessive to me.

    So, what can we talk about to stop this chat going awkward? xD
    18:6 "'None of you shall approach anyone who are his close relatives, to uncover their nakedness: I am Yahweh.

    18:7 "'You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father, nor the nakedness of your mother: she is your mother. You shall not uncover her nakedness.

    18:8 "'You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father's wife: it is your father's nakedness.

    18:9 "'You shall not uncover the nakedness of your sister, the daughter of your father, or the daughter of your mother, whether born at home, or born abroad.

    18:10 "'You shall not uncover the nakedness of your son's daughter, or of your daughter's daughter, even their nakedness: for theirs is your own nakedness.

    18:11 "'You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father's wife's daughter, conceived by your father, since she is your sister. "'

    18:12 You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father's sister: she is your father's near kinswoman.

    18:13 "'You shall not uncover the nakedness of your mother's sister: for she is your mother's near kinswoman.

    18:14 "'You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father's brother, you shall not approach his wife: she is your aunt.

    18:15 "'You shall not uncover the nakedness of your daughter-in-law: she is your son's wife. You shall not uncover her nakedness.

    18:16 "'You shall not uncover the nakedness of your brother's wife: it is your brother's nakedness.

    18:17 "'You shall not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter. You shall not take her son's daughter, or her daughter's daughter, to uncover her nakedness; they are near kinswomen: it is wickedness.

    18:18 "'You shall not take a wife to her sister, to be a rival, to uncover her nakedness, while her sister is yet alive.

    18:19 "'You shall not approach a woman to uncover her nakedness, as long as she is impure by her uncleanness."

    That's also about 11 verses just forbidding incest. :o
    Me and some friends were reading the Bible in the school library today for some reason (none of us are Christian XD), and I realised I got the dimensions of the Ark wrong. It's meant to be 300 cubits long, 30 cubits high and 50 cubits wide. Evan Almighty is misleading me >=(

    Also, Leviticus chapter 18 really doesn't like naked people.
    Oh, Libya :3 No idea where I got Chad from... maybe because today I was trying to remember where it was, so maybe it just hung round in there.

    Did you know the flag of Nepal is the only national flag in the world that isn't a rectangle?
    I mean, a red cross on a white background. Where does that get off being a flag? Though at least it's not as bad as the country whose flag is just a green rectangle... I think it might be Chad or something.

    And just so I don't sound unpatriotic, OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE ST GEORGE'S DAY IS LESS THAN FOUR WEEKS AWAY
    Haha, you Americans don't have it~ Basically, us Brits eat pancakes today.

    One of very few things that make England better than the US, among our great comedies and amusing swearwords. Though our flag is boring. *waves it sheepishly*

    Wonder if Buddha would give me the wood. He's a nice bloke.
    300 cubits in length, 50 cubits in height. (I'll borrow someone with real short arms to do the measuring, since I'm lazy.) Of course I'll have to sell my soul to Beelzebub for the wood, since I doubt I'll get any out of God.

    (Happy Pancake Day, btw :3)
    Hi Flora ^^

    I don't expect I'll be around tomorrow, because my mum said she's going to change our Internet provider meaning I won't have access for a little while. So, just in case my parents actually get round to something they say they're going to do for once, I thought I'd post here now to say welcome back and I hope you have a fun holiday :D

    (You got me Mickey's autograph right?)
    ...or maybe I could just take these away and burn them. xD

    Anyway, don't forget to get Mickey Mouse's autograph for me, or that Pachi plushie goes on the fire too. xD See you in a week, I guess *hugs*
    Anyway, I'd better be going soon, before my parents return and stab me for being online at ten to Saturday. Have a fantastic holiday, and make sure you let me know how you're getting on if you have TCoD access ^^

    *gives you a box of Mr Brain's Faggots for the trip* xD
    Great day for you :D You see a cute Pachi plushie, your cameo's underway and soon you get to see a talking mouse =D

    *is reminded of a great My Hero quote*
    You liek? xD

    Anyway, good news! Mil's decided to have a bash at making your portraits, so if I hurry up with the Glameow story I can probably get you put in pretty soon :D
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