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  • Exactly. So you'd better expand your vocabulary and stop that from happening.

    I'm obese :3
    What if you're caught without paper and an awkward situation comes up, or are on a phone?

    "Flora, I've caught some disease. The doctors say it's terminal."
    "...what?! In a few months I'll be dead!"
    It's a wonder the seller thinks someone looking to buy a begging bowl has £233.38. But then maybe that's why postage is free.

    0 results for dirty blanket.

    1 result for begging bowl which is a stamp with Snoopy on.

    Though apparently there's begging bowl in Japan, wth a Buy It Now price of £233.38... but postage is free! 8D
    Basically I rambled on about stuff reinforcing my assertion that I will never be more than a lowly tramp.
    I know, that's what I meant. I remember you mentioning it in a thread somewhere.

    And does your confuzzlement stem from the second sentence or the third?
    xD That was the best typo evar.

    And no I can't, and I'd tell you what the other thing is to see if you agree with me but I doubt you would and I'm too much of a realist for you to convince me otherwise which you'd inevitably try to do.

    The eggs in my sig aren't working.
    So, feet selling it is!

    (I doubt it, really. There's only one job I've ever thought I'd like to do/might not be hopeless at, and that was totally unrealistic.)
    ...but then being a tramp is my dream. If I used your cat to do all my begging it wouldn't be my own achievement.

    (For "my dream", read "the only career I could ever do". :3)

    But wait, what am I thinking... we'll use Harry! He'll sit there on our filthy blanket, like, "excuse me sir, can you spare me 50p for a cup of tea at all?" and the guy will go "WOW A TALKING CAT" and give us all his money. Or he'll stand on a street corner all like "Big Issue, mate?" and the person will buy the whole stack!
    Well, it's a sacrifice I'm going to have to make. And unlike selling me body in the non-literal way it could earn us a profit.

    Are you still that uber-cute anthro Sandshrew? I was just thinking, we could make passersby pay to pat you on the head or admire your cuteness or something.
    But that'll require some hardcore begging. It costs, like, £2.23 to rent a bin for a month. I think if we're going to afford that on a tramp's wage, I'm going to have to sell some of my feet.
    But don't sing! I assume from your comments that you can do that, and the first rule of busking is, you can't do it well. Any tramp will tell you that.

    We can be partners in professional tramping :3 If you like, we can share a filthy old blanket. You know, just until we earn enough to move into a cardboard box, or a dustbin.
    I may also play various musical instruments in the street, badly. Perhaps you could lend a hand with your apparently awful keyboard playing.
    And I'm not going to be eating shoes. I'm going to be lying in my dustbin shouting incoherently and hoping people throw money in my hat.
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