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  • Thanks for using it in your sig! I wasn't expecting that. I have a strange habit of naming my sprites. Wanna name this one?
    Thanks. I just don't enjoy making them. In our old sprite shop when S.K was still with us we were criticised for not doing splices and the lack of creatvity, it was apparently boring, generic and unimaginative. Too much like a production line. Thats what I don't get though. Its the opposite of a production line, we made sprites because thats what we enjoyed doing, we didn't have any interest or inspiration in splices so we didn't do them, that really annoyed us. Now that S.K isn't here and I have Smithy in the new shop we've got splices now but we keep them restricted.
    I've decided to randomly experiment with sprites in search of another original type of sprite at my sprite shop. (Yay, another one!)
    Its good. Smithy's written about 10 episodes to be played out. They are amazing, you should watch it, and even if you're not a Who fan check out the thread. Its very clever.

    On a random note, want a present?
    The character bit surprisingly isn't the hard bit. I've been planning Majenta for ages. Its the episode and Doctor I think she fits in. Have you watched any DW?
    Its so Hard!!! *Breaks down*

    Its for a Doctor Who RP. I've been planning a character for ages, Majenta Pryce and now i'm hanging them up. Great, I haven't really picked an episode either.
    ooh. Damn I need to get this application form done for this RP i'm doing otherwise Smithy will bitch at me. Its a big one as well.
    Yeah, but seriously the ice around here was insane. First day of snow it was amazing, the second day slightly less awesome but hey, theres still snow, the third day it wet, grimy and horrible and the fourth day, black ice and clumps of slushy ice. I hate England's weather, it has a major weather disorder. But anyway, enough of my problems.
    Yeah, my butt also hurts from the black ice. Grrr.... I had to stay in bed all day which really does get boring, even with my laptop. Then again, its either that or sit through an hour detention. Grr..
    Fair enough.

    Seems like cheating if you ask me though. I mean, when I'm a tramp I won't go hiring people to eat shoes for me.
    Or you could release an album- "What A Bloody Racket" And Other Ghastly Screechings by Flora.
    :o Cool!

    You could compose a song about helicopters. You could call it, "the Helicopter". By Flora.

    Is it one of those ones where you can make it play all kinds of cool noises like sheep and helicopters and pigs and stuff?
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