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  • Aw, sorry. *gives you a blob of snow*

    I got today off school and everything. I was going to build a snowman but by the time I got round to it the snow had melted ;_;

    Anyway, hurrah, today is the 2-year anniversary of my mum buying her pub~ Yes, my mum runs a pub. How English am I? I even had crumpets today.
    I'm heavily perplexed and feel as though my belief system has been smashed into tiny pieces by a big hammer. I mean, you have hundreds and hundreds of awesome sweet things too good for England but no sodding Mars bars?!
    ...you must do.

    But, by the end, I had 40p left. I don't know what that is in cents, but it's about the price of a Mars bar if that gives you some frame of reference.

    Cool ^^
    Oh. Well, I won -£12 on Thursday. Or, technically, -£20. I suppose I could say I lost £20, but it doesn't sound as nice without the word "won".

    And no you did not; the fact that this development is "sudden" makes this a fairly blatant response =p
    Well, I actually seem to have told you everything I really can about it :p Without revealing plotline spoilers anyway.

    Did I tell you about how I won -£12 on Thursday?
    Anyway, I believe we were discussing my sprite comic before I went rambling on about utter tosh like some old rotter.
    So, I'll just return to my Posh English Gent voice.

    Oh yes, bally well super old bean, don't you know.
    I'm going to stop typing in random accents from around the globe to confuse you. It not vely nice thing to do to my good fliend Frola.
    Course, what ye wannoo be doin' is gannin' oop North. T'accent oop yonder's like a bloody different language, our Flora.
    >=3 Hey, it's our lingo, mate, you're the ones what buggered it up.

    I could have just as easily been Australian, then.
    Oh, I see. Maybe.

    But wouldn't that make Comic Flora a bit... what do they call it... stark raving bonkers?
    That and I was planning to make you already a resident of the Pokémon world and not a person from this world who's been transported there, so naturally you'd be oblivious to the whole Harry the Magic Talking Cat fiasco.
    Though I'm toying with the idea of, when I first speak to you, you kind of squint at me and go "Harry?". However I don't think many people will get it and it won't be particularly funny to those that do.
    Which is doubly good because not only do I get to put my awesome little sis in the comic with me, but I get to use the Pachirisu portrait, which if I remember correctly is absolutely adorable =D
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