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  • We've been talking about me for ages. Say something other than "nice" or "awesome" before I start to feel bad. xD
    You say "nice" a lot. xD

    For my birthday I got a parsnip. Then I got another parsnip in the sixth form Secret Santa from someone totally different.
    We have a tradition, see, of giving each other a root vegetable every birthday.

    I imagine alongside it I'll give him a fiver and a book of LOLcats I bought ages ago but never did get around to reading. (He lieks teh kittehz)
    I wanted to build a snowman and have a photo of me taken with it in case it never ever snows again.

    Then I could also post it in those Post Pics Of Yourself threads on some forums along with a witty comment like "that's me on the right lol"
    (Shouldn't and don't *shifty eyes*)

    I could have made a snowman today. But I was too lazy.
    And this talk of Ghostbusters reminds me of an Oddity joke. However I don't think I shall use it, as it yet again pertains to me doing things I shouldn't.
    I'd get a Mega Drive just to play it, but I don't want to repeat the whole N64 fiasco. Plus I can't remember the name of the game my nan had where you play as what appears to be a pear.

    I'll just settle for watching videos of the boss fights and wondering why the Genesis' name was changed when it came to Europe.
    Tell me or I'll shoot you with my laser vision like on that Sega Mega Drive (Genesis) game.
    What's so Sandshrew-style about it?

    Anyway, don't worry, I died a few days ago. I'm Ghost Mike now. Here's me:

    (I'm not really eating fish and chips. I just wanted to threaten you Britishly. And I've been lying here dead in the snow for 13 minutes now and you've done nothing about it ;_;)
    If you say you want to be a Sandshrew rather than a Pachirisu, I'll throw my fish and chips at you. xD

    I've quite sneakily managed to fit my three most favourite Pokémon into the comic, in either starring or quite frequent roles.
    Aw, OK, you can win ^^ *flops over in the snow and dies*

    Now we just need someone to edit those portraits...

    It was all snowy today. Still had to go to school however. Frankly I'm amazed my crappy bus got to school in one piece.
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