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  • Ah. (Actually, I could copy+paste the code to here, you edit it in Notepad or something, then open it up in your browser. But we're too lazy to do that, right?)
    ...you need to post the VM on my profile xD.
    1. Gah, alright. I'll try to be more formal, but I can't say it'll be a lot...I don't mean to sound like a picky kid, but its reeaally hard for me to not be friendly in my writing.

    2. I know. I just haven't worked on that site for a few months until now, and I am currently browsing these forums as well as revamping the site at this very moment.

    3. What does that mean?

    4. TCoD has tons! (Yes, that is a pretty lousy excuse for having some nice art scraps that I had lying around in Paint.)

    Oh yeah, that was really constructive~no, really! I'm not being sarcastic, either!
    Yup. XD And read those screenshots by clicking the link (to ImageShack) then just click on the picture to zoom in.
    Okay, I'm going to get more screenshots of the current site to put up there. So think of some ideas, and we'll talk about them. (Also if you have fanfic at all I am going to have a fanfic section.)
    XD Well, right now we've been lazy XD Sooner or later we'll be doing some more! So we'll see what happens, I suppose.
    I'm here, I'm here~ It's fine. (I went to sleep at like 5:45 AM since I stayed up doing schoolwork.)
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