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  • Look at Butterfree's website tips, and some of that stuff. I'm trying to conform to those~
    Not a news site; mostly fan site, yeah. NOT news. Although it'll be pretty small! But oh well.
    That'll be a little tricky xD But you know what I did? Look through some of her affiliates and combine the ideas. I actually plan to affiliate with TCoD if the site becomes good enough ^_^ So look through her affiliates list, and as she says "Section like X on suchandsuch site, but better."
    Yeah, I know how to do some better colors. I haven't done much work on the site for a few months, but I still remember HTML. Hahaha. (It's just hexadecimal. TCoD should say something about it somewhere in the HTML/CSS guide.)
    Hahaha. So now sometimes I use menu-builders, but a vast majority of it is handwritten HTML. Although the colors are bad.
    Of course! xD I can handle the HTML, so that's fine. (I spent about two months procrastinating on school to learn HTML.)
    Heh, we could try that sometime. Obviously it's about Pokémon. This could turn out great...
    D: *starts a new website and does not allow Glace to view it while everyone else loves it*
    P.S. I am gonna actually make a site. I just haven't gotten it on a server. And I plan to get some help, but I don't know where from.
    *holds up hands* Fine, fine. LET'S HAVE A PARTY INSTEAD! *throws confetti all overrr*
    ME?!?! :3 Playing through White again, BUT, *dundunduuuun* WITH A FULL TEAM.

    and I need a Ducklett and Elgyem. This is going to be a while without the lucky egg yet.

    I'm glad I have friends. And the Battle Subway is exactly as cheap as its predecessor.
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