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  • It appears that because I just switched to the 3DS my FC has changed. Now it's 4298-5289-2036.
    Which Tailsy? [/Soconfused] Anyway, are you talking about what we discussed earlier?

    (Also I looked and she had changed her name to Applejack once.)
    Ummm I think Tailsy is :D! Although with the name-swap thing (I don't get why they do that :O) I mean that Tailsy who is officially named Surskitty is a ponyhead. I think.

    Why am I so easily confuuused.
    Would you be willing to give me a Kabuto, Meowth, Teddiursa, togepi and Aipom as well?

    *bambi eyes*
    You're a god or something.

    Might I inquire as to your progress on White? How far into the game you are?

    oh yeah. Iron Tail, for Rock/Ground types, maybe?
    I'd be more than happy to give it back, as long as you were okay with recieving it on White.

    Uh. Maybe the Elemental Fangs? A normal-type move? For in-game teams it doesn't really matter, I was kinda joking a little. ;)
    Seriously? Wait, on Black/White? Because unfortunately, if that weren't the case I couldn't give you the Mew back...
    ...I see you haven't evolved your Luxio. Might I ask why?

    Also about the lack fo move diversity? ;)

    Though I do admire their levels.
    oh wait you're on Pearl. The second door arrived at Platinum, I think. If the lady there has frizzy wild orange hair and a blue headband, just don't do anything. But if it's a normal receptionist/something go in. It should be called the 'Wi-Fi Club', I think.
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