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    It seriously looks sort of creepy! And crazy. Yeah, it's this sort of weird yellow green color with red. Anyway, the normal coloration is much better. I love it.

    Although I'll probably have a hard time when she sends in the aerodactyl! He'll be much faster.
    WAIT, WHAT?!

    I do love maractus~ It looks like a serial killer in a good way. But its shiny form is ugly, have you seen it? I think it's spelled 'maracas'.

    I did~Although I don't know exactly what to do yet. However, I do think I wil be very much abusing the fact that Azuraine is faster than Prince and the fact that Darksong forgot to add detect to the list of things to watch out for (but I might save that for later).

    Haha, it's not him I'd change. It's the weedle, and to a lesser extent raticate. Also I wish whoever caught the maractus and the porygon-z bothered to nickname them. :(
    I'm... not entirely sure. I guess I would like some different shinies (or maybe ones with nicknames), but I do like him, though!
    Very well then, I suppose if you know the way... then lead. I shall stay close by your side. Be warned that though I have great power... I do not have the best control over it.
    Of course, considering my other options it isn't really much of a choice (raticate, weedle, a maractus off the GTS and a porygon-z from negotiations)...

    Like I said, it doesn't really bother me.

    ...Oh. I even read your post about five times before writing mine to make sure I didn't miss something and that still slipped through. I feel stupid. >.>; I'll edit ASAP, sorry.
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