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  • Oh, I could only wish.

    I'm miserable, and not to mention, I was almost in a car accident today. One that I could've been seriously injured in
    So like.. I'm just hallucinating everything?

    Man, that would be so awesome right now. Then everything that's bad right now actually does not exist.

    your brain must look like this
    XD You actually Ninja'd me. I was writing a post and then BAM. Your post is there!
    What? I just told you how delete posts. Click on 'view conversation' on my Profile and look at my double post. IT EXPLAINS IT BEAUTIFULLY.
    Okay, you're making me feel bad. D: I'll tell you how to delete posts.

    At the bottom of your profile, there will be a button that allows you to delete certain messages. Each message on your profile has a square button at the top right hand corner. You check the box, then scroll down to the delete button, and you delete all the messages you checked.

    There you go. ><
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