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  • I don't even want to go to a church here because I already have enough family here trying to preach to me about Christianity. It gets on my nerves when people try to force their religious views onto you. :/
    I don't... go to church. >->

    And Texas is pretty cool. There's a lot more to do than Alaska, that's for sure.

    That totally reminds me of my group of friends back in Alaska. They couldn't resist either. Oh how I miss them~ :]
    Yus! I strike again.

    I have a way of getting things stuck in people's heads. [/totally not sexual]
    Nah, it contributed. o:

    Wow, I must be stupid. I just realized that was a line from my signature. xD
    I know, but I got all excited when I thought someone wanted to talk to me. And then I got kinda sadfaced. :(

    On another note, I watched AGT and that made me :] <3 again.
    *shrug* In that case, I guess that'd open up even more Pokemon to blend with the furry fandom. But it's not like I really know much about this at all.
    Yeah, like MSN except you don't sign in via the messenger or whatever - you sign in from a website. idk.

    Few minutes ago? Well, I got your message, but since I was on eBuddy I didn't see it in time. Replied kinda too late. OTL;;

    Also I Googled furry, and well, I guess Kam dislikes Pokephelia too, eh? :I
    It's just that so many are "you're welcome" or some other substanceless message, and I tire of sorting through them since they appear almost as fast as I get rid of them. And the ones with actual conversations in them are usually random and I really don't feel the drive to answer those, either.

    Excuse me for going on a whole different tangent, but I'm tiring of substanceless conversation as a whole. It's felt like ages since I've talked to my best friend, my other closest friend is hardly ever online and when he is, he's usually distracted by another game, and goddamnit I feel so bottled up (even though I'm doing this to myself) and when will people realize I'm not as happy as I act. It's a force of habit by now, but I still hate it.

    Aaand excuse me for rambling and all. *goes to Google*
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